我想在我的 Windows 机器上安装一个免费的 oracle 数据库,我想在 Toad for Oracle 上进行练习。我有哪些选择?

I want to install a free oracle database on my Windows machine and I want to get practice on Toad for Oracle. What are my options?

我的目的是熟悉 Toad for Oracle。为此,我希望能够连接到 Oracle 数据库,最好是在我的本地机器上。有人可以告诉我我需要什么 download/minimum 对我的机器的要求等吗?

对于Oracle的免费版,我建议您从以下选项中选择Oracle Expresslink

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition

Free to develop, deploy, and distribute

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) is an entry-level, small-footprint database based on the Oracle Database 11g Release 2 code base. It's free to develop, deploy, and distribute; fast to download; and simple to administer.

Oracle Database XE is a great starter database for:

  • Developers working on Node.js, Python, PHP, Java, .NET, XML, and Open Source applications

  • DBAs who need a free, starter database for training and deployment

  • Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) and hardware vendors who want a starter database to distribute free of charge

  • Educational institutions and students who need a free database for their curriculum

关于系统要求,您可以在 this Oracle's documentation

