查看 rails 应用程序网站统计信息的正确方法是什么?
What is the proper way to see rails application's web site statistics?
我想看看有多少人在访问我的页面,跟踪 rails 应用程序的正确方法是什么?
Segment.io 与 Mixpanel、Klaviyo、Google Analytics 等的集成。
reference url
Google Analytics
来自 awesome-ruby
Analytical - Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your
rails app.
FnordMetric - A ruby/redis framework for collecting and visualizing
timeseries data. It enables you to build beautiful real-time analytics
dashboards within minutes.
Gabba - Simple way to send server-side notifications to Google
Impressionist - Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views.
Legato - Model analytics reports and queries against the official
Google Analytics Reporting API.
Rack::Tracker - Rack middleware that can be hooked up to multiple
services and exposing them in a unified fashion.
Staccato - Track analytics into the official Google Analytics
Collection API.
我想看看有多少人在访问我的页面,跟踪 rails 应用程序的正确方法是什么?
Segment.io 与 Mixpanel、Klaviyo、Google Analytics 等的集成。 reference url
Google Analytics
来自 awesome-ruby
Analytical - Gem for managing multiple analytics services in your rails app.
FnordMetric - A ruby/redis framework for collecting and visualizing timeseries data. It enables you to build beautiful real-time analytics dashboards within minutes.
Gabba - Simple way to send server-side notifications to Google Analytics.
Impressionist - Rails Plugin that tracks impressions and page views.
Legato - Model analytics reports and queries against the official Google Analytics Reporting API.
Rack::Tracker - Rack middleware that can be hooked up to multiple services and exposing them in a unified fashion.
Staccato - Track analytics into the official Google Analytics Collection API.