在 CreateInputQueryPage 创建的页面上的 Inno Setup 中进行多行编辑

Multi-line edit in Inno Setup on page created by CreateInputQueryPage

默认情况下,当您在 Inno Setup 中向页面添加 TEdit 时,高度为一行。


这是 ISS 文件的相关部分

ContractConfigPage := CreateInputQueryPage(ServerConfigPage.ID,
  'Map contract as JSON', 'Please enter the map contract to use in JSON format', '');    
ContractConfigPage.Add('JSON', False);
ContractConfigPage.Edits[0].Height := 100; { does not have any effect }


ContractConfigPage := CreateInputQueryPage(ServerConfigPage.ID,
  'Map contract as JSON', 'Please enter the map contract to use in JSON format', '');    
ContractConfigPage.Add('JSON', False);
ContractConfigPage.Edits[0].AutoSize := False;
ContractConfigPage.Edits[0].Height := 100;
ContractConfigPage.Edits[0].Width := 100;
{ now the edit is bigger but I still can not have multiple lines }

您必须将 TPasswordEdit 替换为 TNewMemo:

  JsonMemo: TNewMemo;

procedure InitializeWizard();
  ContractConfigPage: TInputQueryWizardPage;
  JsonIndex: Integer;
  JsonEdit: TCustomEdit;
  { Create new page }
  ContractConfigPage := CreateInputQueryPage(wpWelcome,
    'Map contract as JSON', 'Please enter the map contract to use in JSON format', '');    

  { Add TPasswordEdit. We use it only to have Inno Setup create the prompt label and }
  { to calculate the proper location of the edit control }
  JsonIndex := ContractConfigPage.Add('JSON', False);
  JsonEdit := ContractConfigPage.Edits[JsonIndex];

  { Create TNewMemo (multi line edit) on the same parent control and }
  { the same location (except for height) as the original single-line TPasswordEdit }
  JsonMemo := TNewMemo.Create(WizardForm);
  JsonMemo.Parent := JsonEdit.Parent;
  JsonMemo.SetBounds(JsonEdit.Left, JsonEdit.Top, JsonEdit.Width, ScaleY(100));

  { Hide the original single-line edit }
  JsonEdit.Visible := False;

  { Link the label to the new edit }
  { (has a practical effect only if there were a keyboard accelerator on the label) }
  ContractConfigPage.PromptLabels[JsonIndex].FocusControl := JsonMemo;

现在您不能使用 ContractConfigPage.Edits 访问 TNewMemo 及其值(它引用原始 [hidden] TPasswordEdit)。您必须使用全局 JsonMemo 变量。

您当然可以完全自己创建页面,使用 CreateCustomPage 从干净的页面开始。这可能是一个更简洁的解决方案,但更费力。


ContractConfigPage: TWizardPage;
ContractMemo: TNewMemo;

然后在 InitializeWizard 中:

ContractConfigPage := CreateCustomPage(ServerConfigPage.ID,
  'Map contract as JSON', 'Please enter the map contract to use in JSON format WITHOUT DOUBLE QUOTES');    
ContractMemo := TNewMemo.Create(WizardForm);
ContractMemo.Parent := ContractConfigPage.Surface;
ContractMemo.SetBounds(0, 0, 410, 210);
ContractMemo.ScrollBars := ssBoth;
ContractMemo.WordWrap := False;
ContractMemo.Text := '{'+#13#10+
'  name:''map'''+#13#10+

请注意,在 JSON 中,我使用 '' 而不是 ",因为该值将进入 xml,因此更易于阅读:)