如何在 x64 中创建 thunk?

How to create thunk in x64?

我发现不错 example how to create thunk for closure,但它是 32 位版本:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

struct env {
  int x;

struct __attribute__((packed)) thunk {
  unsigned char push;
  struct env * env_addr;
  unsigned char call;
  signed long call_offset;
  unsigned char add_esp[3];
  unsigned char ret;

struct thunk default_thunk = {0x68, 0, 0xe8, 0, {0x83, 0xc4, 0x04}, 0xc3};

typedef void (* cfunc)();

struct thunk * make_thunk(struct env * env, void * code)
  struct thunk * thunk = (struct thunk *)mmap(0,sizeof(struct thunk), PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
  *thunk = default_thunk;
  thunk->env_addr = env;
  thunk->call_offset = code - (void *)&thunk->add_esp[0]; // Pretty!                                                                               
  mprotect(thunk,sizeof(struct thunk), PROT_EXEC);
  return thunk;

void block(struct env * env) {
  env->x += 1;
  printf ("block: x is %d\n", env->x);

cfunc foo (int x)
  struct env * env = (struct env *)malloc(sizeof(struct env));
  env->x = x;

  printf ("x is %d\n",env->x);

  return (cfunc)make_thunk(env,(void *)&block);

int main() {
  cfunc c = foo(5);


如何为 64 位版本重写它?

我正在使用 Linux x86_64。我已经能够使用 gcc -m32 交叉编译它,效果很好。

下面的代码设计用于 Linux 上的 GCC,应该支持 32 位和 64 位编译。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

struct env {
    int x;

#if __x86_64__
struct __attribute__((packed)) thunk {
    unsigned char mov[2];
    struct env * env_addr;
    unsigned char movrax[2];
    void (*call_address)();
    unsigned char jmp[2];

struct thunk default_thunk = {{0x48, 0xbf}, 0x0, {0x48, 0xb8}, 0x0, {0xff, 0xe0} };
#elif __i386__
struct __attribute__((packed)) thunk {
    unsigned char push;
    struct env * env_addr;
    unsigned char call;
    signed long call_offset;
    unsigned char add_esp[3];
    unsigned char ret;
struct thunk default_thunk = {0x68, 0, 0xe8, 0, {0x83, 0xc4, 0x04}, 0xc3};
#error Architecture unsupported

typedef void (* cfunc)();

struct thunk * make_thunk(struct env * env, void * code)
    struct thunk * thunk = (struct thunk *)mmap(0,sizeof(struct thunk), 
                            PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    *thunk = default_thunk;
#if __x86_64__
    thunk->env_addr = env;
    thunk->call_address = code; /* Pretty! */
    thunk->env_addr = env;
    thunk->call_offset = code - (void *)&thunk->add_esp[0]; /* Pretty! */
    mprotect(thunk,sizeof(struct thunk), PROT_EXEC);
    return thunk;

void block(struct env * env) {
    env->x += 1;
    printf ("block: x is %d\n", env->x);

cfunc foo (int x)
    struct env * env = (struct env *)malloc(sizeof(struct env));
    env->x = x;

    printf ("x is %d\n",env->x);

    return (cfunc)make_thunk(env,(void *)&block);

int main() {
    cfunc c = foo(5);

    return 0;

假设 OS 使用 System V 64bit ABI(Linux 使用)调用约定,那么将传递给函数的第一个参数将在寄存器 %rdi.然后我们只需要 mov 环境地址 (env_addr) 到 %rdi 然后做一个 call。该调用通过 %rax 间接跳转到绝对位置。所以指令序列看起来像(at&t语法):

mov    $env_addr, %rdi
movabs $call_pointer, %rax
jmpq  *%rax                   # Tail call instead of call/retq