C# 需要更好的逻辑来将 biginteger 转换为二进制,反之亦然

C# Need better logic for biginteger to binary conversions and vice versa


BinaryString 到 Biginteger 的转换:需要 [7663] 毫秒(预计 3000 毫秒或我的结果的一半)

    var binarystringInput = "100011101001----etc"; // Length = 250000 
            // Find binarystringInput here "http://notepad.cc/share/RzOfxBWsiJ"

            BigInteger dec = new BigInteger(0);               

            for (int ii = 0; ii < binarystringInput.Length; ii++)
                if (binarystringInput[binarystringInput.Length - ii - 1] == '0') continue;
                dec += BigInteger.Pow((new BigInteger(2)), ii);

// 12 月的结果

BigIntger 到 BinaryString 的转换:需要 [27483] 毫秒(预计 10000 毫秒或我的结果的一半)

string binaryResult = "";

            while (dec != 0)
                BigInteger nextDigit = dec & 0x01;
                binaryResult = nextDigit + binaryResult;
                dec = dec >> 1;

// binaryResult 中的结果


正如@Micke所说,BigInteger可以将字节数组作为输入。因此,与其不断地将 BigInteger 相加(从而创建和销毁 BigInteger 内部的许多字节数组),不如手动组合我们自己的字节数组。

要记住的一个细节是 BigInteger 接受二进制补码值。如果最高位设置在最高位字节,则它认为该值为负数。如果您总是先添加一个空字节,那么您可以禁用该行为并将位串视为无符号,这是我的代码所做的假设。


public static BigInteger ParseBinary( string bitstring )
    byte[] raw;

    int rawLength;
    int rawPosition;
    int bitStart = 0;

    // Calculate the total number of bytes we'll need to store the 
    // result. Remember that 10 bits / 8 = 1.25 bytes --> 2 bytes. 
    rawLength = (int)Math.Ceiling( bitstring.Length / 8.0 );

    // Force BigInteger to interpret our array as an unsigned value. Leave
    // an unused byte at the end of our array.
    raw = new byte[rawLength + 1];

    rawPosition = rawLength - 1;

    // Lets assume we have the string 10 1111 0101
    // Lets parse that odd chunk '10' first, and then we can parse the rest on nice
    // and simple 8-bit bounderies. Keep in mind that the '10' chunk occurs at indicies 
    // 0 and 1, but represent our highest order bits.

    if ( rawLength * 8 != bitstring.Length )
        int leftoverBits = bitstring.Length % 8;

        raw[rawPosition] = ParseChunk( bitstring, 0, leftoverBits );
        bitStart += leftoverBits;

    // Parse all of the 8-bit chunks that we can.
    for ( int i = bitStart; i < bitstring.Length; i += 8 )
        raw[rawPosition] = ParseChunk( bitstring, i, 8 );

    return new BigInteger( raw );

private static byte ParseChunk( string bitstring, int startPosition, int run )
    byte result = 0;
    byte temp;

    for ( int i = 0; i < run; i++ )
        // Abuse the unicode ordering of characters.
        temp = (byte)(bitstring[startPosition + i] - '0');
        result |= (byte)(temp << run - i - 1);

    return result;