关于不改变 N 的值
Regarding not changing value of N
问题是找出您需要支付给信用卡公司的固定金额 -
- bal=您需要在第0月初支付的金额
- N = 每月支付给信用卡公司的固定金额,到年底,您将支付全部金额
- int = 信用卡公司的利率
bal = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
rate = int(raw_input("enter rate"))
lower_b = bal/12
upper_b = (bal + ((rate*bal)/1200))/12
N= (lower_b+upper_b)/2
def Credit(bal,rate,N):
global upper_b
global lower_b
while (i<13):
paid = N
bal = bal - paid
print("Balance remains to be paid is %s" %(round(bal,2)))
Interest = rate * bal /1200
print("The interest added on is %s" %(round(Interest,2)))
print ("The amount that needs to be payed is %s " %(round(bal,2)))
if bal==0:
return N
elif 50 < bal < 2000 :
lower_b = N
upper_b = upper_b
N = (upper_b +lower_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -2000<bal< -50:
upper_b = N
lower_b = lower_b
N = (lower_b +upper_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -50 < bal < 50:
return N
return bal
我的代码永远不会终止。问题是代码中定义的 N 的值没有改变。它保持固定 N = upper_b +lower_b)/2
使用递归不是理想的方法,你也有逻辑错误,包括需要获得当月的利率,你的初始上限应该大于本金加利息。您可以使用带有内部 for 循环的 while 循环,在每次不成功的内部循环后重置余额:
balance = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
int_rate = float(raw_input("enter rate"))
int_rate /= 100
lower_b = balance / 12.
upper_b = ((balance * (1 + (int_rate / 12.0)) ** 12) / 12.0)
payment = (lower_b + upper_b) / 2
def Credit(bal, rate, low, high, pay):
new_b = bal
# calculate monthly interest rate
month_int = rate / 12
while abs(new_b) > 0.001: # use epsilon
# always reset balance
new_b = bal
for _ in range(12): # loop over 12 month range
new_b -= pay # deduct pay
new_b += month_int * new_b
# if we still have a balance we need to take more so set low to current payment
if new_b > 0:
low = pay
# else we took to much so set high to current payment
high = pay
pay = (low + high) / 2.0
return "Lowest monthly payment over 12 months: {}".format(pay)
print(Credit(balance, int_rate, lower_b, upper_b, payment))
问题是找出您需要支付给信用卡公司的固定金额 -
- bal=您需要在第0月初支付的金额
- N = 每月支付给信用卡公司的固定金额,到年底,您将支付全部金额
- int = 信用卡公司的利率
bal = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
rate = int(raw_input("enter rate"))
lower_b = bal/12
upper_b = (bal + ((rate*bal)/1200))/12
N= (lower_b+upper_b)/2
def Credit(bal,rate,N):
global upper_b
global lower_b
while (i<13):
paid = N
bal = bal - paid
print("Balance remains to be paid is %s" %(round(bal,2)))
Interest = rate * bal /1200
print("The interest added on is %s" %(round(Interest,2)))
print ("The amount that needs to be payed is %s " %(round(bal,2)))
if bal==0:
return N
elif 50 < bal < 2000 :
lower_b = N
upper_b = upper_b
N = (upper_b +lower_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -2000<bal< -50:
upper_b = N
lower_b = lower_b
N = (lower_b +upper_b)/2
return Credit(k,rate,N)
elif -50 < bal < 50:
return N
return bal
我的代码永远不会终止。问题是代码中定义的 N 的值没有改变。它保持固定 N = upper_b +lower_b)/2
使用递归不是理想的方法,你也有逻辑错误,包括需要获得当月的利率,你的初始上限应该大于本金加利息。您可以使用带有内部 for 循环的 while 循环,在每次不成功的内部循环后重置余额:
balance = int(raw_input("Enter balance"))
int_rate = float(raw_input("enter rate"))
int_rate /= 100
lower_b = balance / 12.
upper_b = ((balance * (1 + (int_rate / 12.0)) ** 12) / 12.0)
payment = (lower_b + upper_b) / 2
def Credit(bal, rate, low, high, pay):
new_b = bal
# calculate monthly interest rate
month_int = rate / 12
while abs(new_b) > 0.001: # use epsilon
# always reset balance
new_b = bal
for _ in range(12): # loop over 12 month range
new_b -= pay # deduct pay
new_b += month_int * new_b
# if we still have a balance we need to take more so set low to current payment
if new_b > 0:
low = pay
# else we took to much so set high to current payment
high = pay
pay = (low + high) / 2.0
return "Lowest monthly payment over 12 months: {}".format(pay)
print(Credit(balance, int_rate, lower_b, upper_b, payment))