仅 iPad Wifi 所需的设备功能

Required device capabilities for iPad Wifi only

我最近在 AppStore 中发布了一个应用程序。许多用户都收到了设备兼容性消息,似乎他们所有人都只有 iPad WiFi。 我的应用程序需要用户的位置,但不需要准确的位置。 目前在 Info.plist 中,我在所需的设备功能下有位置服务和 gps。



您可以安全地删除 gps 功能

Apple 关于 gps 功能密钥的文档:

Include this key if your app requires (or specifically prohibits) the presence of GPS (or AGPS) hardware when tracking locations. (You should include this key only if you need the higher accuracy offered by GPS hardware.) If you include this key, you should also include the location-services key. You should require GPS only if your app needs location data more accurate than the cellular or Wi-fi radios might otherwise provide.
