嵌套验证组,Spring,JSR 303

Nested validation groups, Spring, JSR 303

我正在尝试在我的 Spring 应用程序中进行嵌套验证。

public class Parent{

   public interface MyGroup{}

   @NotNull(groups = MyGroup.class)
   private Child child;

   // getters and setters omited


public class Child{

   public interface OptionalGroup {}

   @NotBlank(groups = OptionalGroup.class)
   private String aField;


我已经看过 javax.validation 包中的@Valid,但它不支持组。我还检查了来自 spring 的 @Validated 注释,但我无法将其应用于字段。


public class Parent{

   public interface MyGroup{}

   @NotNull(groups = MyGroup.class)
   @CascadeValidate(groups = MyGroup.class, cascadeGroups = OptionalGroup.class) 
   // 'groups' correspond to parent group and 'cascadeGroups' to a group that needs to be apply to the Child field.

   private Child child;



@Inject SmartValidator validator;

public void validationMethod(Parent parent, boolean condition) throws ValidationException {
      MapBindingResult errors= new MapBindingResult(new HashMap<>(), target.getClass().getSimpleName());

      validator.validate(parent, errors, Parent.MyGroup.class); // validate all constraints associated to MyGroup

      if(errors.hasErrors()) throw new ValidationException(errors); // A custom exception




我终于找到了解决办法。其实我误解了 @Valid 的用途。



public class Parent{

   public interface MyGroup{}

   @NotNull(groups = MyGroup.class)
   @Valid // This annotation will launch nested validation
   private Child child;

   // getters and setters omited


public class Child{

   @NotBlank(groups = Parent.MyGroup.class) // Declare same group
   private String aField;



 @Inject SmartValidator validator;

public void validationMethod(Parent parent, boolean condition) throws ValidationException {
      MapBindingResult errors= new MapBindingResult(new HashMap<>(), target.getClass().getSimpleName());

      // validate all constraints associated to MyGroup (even in my nested objects)
      validator.validate(parent, errors, Parent.MyGroup.class); 

      if(errors.hasErrors()) throw new ValidationException(errors); // A custom exception


如果在我的子字段 'aField' 中检测到验证错误,第一个关联的验证错误代码(参见 FieldError.codes)将为 'NotBlank.Parent.afield'。

我应该更好地检查 @Valid 文档。