PrestaShop 中的延迟加载页面?

Lazy load pages in PrestaShop?

默认情况下,PrestaShop 中的分页功能适用于每个产品页面(每页最多显示 10 个项目)。

但是根据我的项目要求,我需要一个懒加载页面(只需要显示10个产品就可以尝试向下滚动页面)。 PrestaShop 有这个功能吗?


您必须创建自己的模块或 buy/use 可用产品,例如:

  1. Masonry All Products

  2. Infinite Scroll for Prestashop

3。 Answer by thepsyntist from

[...] I successfully implemented an infinite scroll module on Prestashop (A custom theme) and (Default theme). I found this module on GitHub a couple of months ago and finally today I got success implementing it. Hence I have no direct link for it or know who created it. Link to the module.

如果你想以同样的方式加载图片,one another module