使用循环自动调整 Excel 图表线宽

Auto Adjust Excel Chart Line Weights With a Loop

我正在尝试调整 Excel 图表上的线条粗细(或粗细)。我希望每条线的粗细都根据我保存在命名范围 "Weights"



我有循环 VBA 循环,但目前它会将每个图表系列调整为我的 "Weights" 系列中的所有每个值,然后继续循环到下一个 Srs。我希望我的 Srs 中的每个值只更改一次,然后 select 下一个权重。

当我尝试将循环强制到下一个 "Srs" 时,我得到了 'Invalid next control variable reference'



Sub SetWeights()
    Dim Srs As Series
    Dim myWeight As Range
    Dim £w As Range
    Set myWeight = Range("Weights")
    With ActiveSheet
        For Each Srs In ActiveChart.SeriesCollection
             For Each £w In myWeight
             Srs.Format.Line.Weight = £w
      'Debug.Print £w
    Next 'Srs
    Next '£w
    End With

End Sub


Sub SetWeights()
    Dim Srs As Series
    Dim myWeight As Range
    Dim £w As Range
    Dim j As Long

    Set myWeight = Range("Weights")

    j = 1

    With ActiveSheet
        For Each £w In myWeight
            If j > ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count Then Exit Sub
            ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(j).Format.Line.Weight = £w
            j = j + 1
        Next £w
    End With
End Sub