使用 jq 加入和过滤 JSON 个文件

Join and filter JSON files using jq

我正在与 jq 一起处理 Yelp json 语料库,拼命地尝试完成一些连接和过滤任务。 business.json 包含 类别 business_id,从中我可以得到餐厅的所有 ID,我想使用它来过滤 review.json 以提取餐厅的所有评论。

在 RDBMS 中听起来很简单,但我想学习 jq 方法。



  1. 提取的企业 ID 并保存在 id.txt 中。但是在jq.

  2. 中引用id.txt是不可能的
  3. 在脚本中循环所有 id 并执行 jq --arg id $line '. | select( .business_id | contains($id))' reviews.json

  4. 加入两个 json 文件也许是可能的,但我不愿意这样做,因为文件的大小 (~1G)


简化样本输入: business.json


"business_id": "vcNAWiLM4dR7D2nwwJ7nCA",

"full_address": "4840 E Indian School Rd\nSte 101\nPhoenix, AZ 85018", > >

"categories": ["Restaurant"]




"date": "2012-05-15",

"text": "Got a letter in the mail last week that said Dr. Goldberg is moving to Arizona to take a new position there in June. He will be missed very much. \n\nI think finding a new doctor in NYC that you actually like might almost be as awful as trying to find a date!",

"type": "review",

"business_id": "vcNAWiLM4dR7D2nwwJ7nCA" }

最佳尝试: 能够使用多个 id 来 march 文档,比如

jq '. | select( .business_id | contains("LRKJF43s9-3jG9Lgx4zODg", "uGykseHzyS5xAMWoN6YUqA"))' reviews.json


jq --arg t vcNAWiLM4dR7D2nwwJ7nCA '. | select( .business_id | contains(env.t))' reviews.json 无效


(a) both reviews.json and businesses.json are files of JSON objects;
(b) it is acceptable to read all the reviews into memory.



select(.categories | index("Restaurant"))
| .business_id as $business_id
| $reviews[]
| select( .type == "review" and .business_id == $business_id)


$ jq --slurpfile reviews reviews.json yelp.jq businesses.json

请注意 --slurpfile 选项在 jq 1.4 中不可用。

(如果 reviews.json 已经是 JSON 对象的数组,那么您可以使用 --argfile reviews reviews.json,因此不需要 jq 1.5。)