PHP : 如何在结果中突出显示搜索到的单词并保持单词原文大小写?

PHP : How can I Highlight searched words in results and keep the words original text case?


在结果页面上,我试图在结果中突出显示搜索到的词。 这样用户就可以知道哪些词匹配在哪里。


if user searches for : mango

the resulting item original : This Post contains Mango.

the resulting output I want of highlighted item : This Post contains <strong>Mango</strong>



//highlight all words 
function highlight_words( $title, $searched_words_array) {
    // loop through searched_words_array
    foreach( $searched_words_array as $searched_word ) {
        $title = highlight_word( $title, $searched_word); // highlight word

    return $title; // return highlighted data

//highlight single word with color
function highlight_word( $title, $searched_word) {
    $replace = '<strong>' . $searched_word . '</strong>'; // create replacement
    $title = str_ireplace( $searched_word, $replace, $title ); // replace content
    return $title; // return highlighted data

我正在从 Sphinx 搜索引擎获取搜索词,问题是 Sphinx returns entered/macthed 个小写的词。


results becomes : This Post contains <strong>mango</strong>

*注意 mango 中的 m 变成了小写。

所以我的问题是如何突出显示单词,即在与搜索到的单词匹配的单词周围环绕 <strong></strong>? 不丢失文本框 ?

*人。它与 how to highlight search results 不同的问题,我问我的关键字数组是小写的,并使用上述方法将原始单词替换为小写单词。 那我怎么能阻止呢? 另一个问题link也会遇到这个问题,因为搜索的关键字是小写的。并使用 str_ireplace 它将匹配它并用小写单词替换它。


我组合了各种代码片段来实现我期望代码执行的操作。, 目前效果很好。

function strong_words( $title, $searched_words_array) {
    //for all words in array
    foreach ($searched_words_array as $word){

        $lastPos = 0;
        $positions = array();
        //find all positions of word
        while (($lastPos = stripos($title, $word, $lastPos))!== false) {
           $positions[] = $lastPos;
           $lastPos = $lastPos + strlen($word);
        //reverse sort numeric array 

        // highlight all occurances
        foreach ($positions as $pos) {
            $title = strong_word($title , $word, $pos);

//apply strong html code to occurances  
$title = str_replace('#####','</strong>',$title);
$title = str_replace('*****','<strong>',$title);
return $title; // return highlighted data

function strong_word($title , $word, $pos){
//ugly hack to not use <strong> , </strong> here directly, as it can get replaced if searched word contains charcters from strong
$title = substr_replace($title, '#####', $pos+strlen($word) , 0) ;
$title = substr_replace($title, '*****', $pos , 0) ;
return $title;

$title = 'This is Great Mango00lk mango';
$words = array('man','a' , 'go','is','g', 'strong') ;

echo strong_words($title,$words);

function highlight_word( $content, $word, $color ) {
    $replace = '<span style="background-color: ' . $color . ';">' . $word . '</span>'; // create replacement
    $content = str_replace( $word, $replace, $content ); // replace content

    return $content; // return highlighted data

function highlight_words( $content, $words, $colors ) {
    $color_index = 0; // index of color (assuming it's an array)

    // loop through words
    foreach( $words as $word ) {
        $content = highlight_word( $content, $word, $colors[$color_index] ); // highlight word
        $color_index = ( $color_index + 1 ) % count( $colors ); // get next color index

    return $content; // return highlighted data

// words to find
$words = array(

// colors to use
$colors = array(

// faking your results_text
$results_text = array(
        'ab'    => 'AB #1',
        'cd'    => 'Some normal text with normal words isn\'t abnormal at all'
    ), array(
        'ab'    => 'AB #2',
        'cd'    => 'This is another text containing very normal content'

// loop through results (assuming $output1 is true)
foreach( $results_text as $result ) {
    $result['cd'] = highlight_words( $result['cd'], $words, $colors );

    echo '<fieldset><p>ab: ' . $result['ab'] . '<br />cd: ' . $result['cd'] . '</p></fieldset>';

Original link check here


function highlight_word( $title, $searched_word) {
    return preg_replace('#('.$searched_word.')#i','<strong><strong>',$title) ;

请注意 $searched_word



if(stripos($result->question, $word) !== FALSE){
    $word_to_highlight = substr($result->question, stripos($result->question, $word), strlen($word));
    $result->question = str_replace($word_to_highlight, '<span class="search-term">'.$word_to_highlight.'</span>', $result->question);
//will find all occurances of all words and make them strong in html
function strong_words( $title, $searched_words_array) {
    //for all words in array
    foreach ($searched_words_array as $word){

        $lastPos = 0;
        $positions = array();
        //find all positions of word
        while (($lastPos = stripos($title, $word, $lastPos))!== false) {
           $positions[] = $lastPos;
           $lastPos = $lastPos + strlen($word);
        //reverse sort numeric array 

        // highlight all occurances
        foreach ($positions as $pos) {
            $title = strong_word($title , $word, $pos);

//apply strong html code to occurances  
$title = str_replace('#####','</strong>',$title);
$title = str_replace('*****','<strong>',$title);
return $title; // return highlighted data

function strong_word($title , $word, $pos){
//ugly hack to not use <strong> , </strong> here directly, as it can get replaced if searched word contains charcters from strong
$title = substr_replace($title, '#####', $pos+strlen($word) , 0) ;
$title = substr_replace($title, '*****', $pos , 0) ;
return $title;

$title = 'This is Great Mango00lk mango';
$word = array('man','a' , 'go','is','g', 'strong') ;

echo strong_words($title,$word);

此代码将查找所有出现的所有单词并使它们在 html 中变得强大,同时保持原始文本大小写。