Google 地图 API token/authentication

Google Maps API token/authentication

Google 地图 API 提供了 Autocomplition service.

根据 this 博客 post(官方?),此服务仅限于添加 "powered by Google" 徽标。

当我使用 js 库 ( 时,我不会发送任何密钥信息。但是在嗅探器中我可以看到一些 token GET 参数,这似乎是由库生成的。

  1. 哪一项限制信息是正确的?

  2. Google如何在没有Key的情况下进行追踪(以防每天被请求数限制)?

  3. 是否可以通过js(来自google.maps.places.Autocomplete)检索自动提示,然后在后端和加载位置使用引用(不存储)详细信息(类似于自动完成对象的 getPlace() 功能)?如果不限,如何生成token?

Google Places API Web Service

The Google Places API Web Service enforces a default limit of 1 000 requests per 24 hour period, which you can increase free of charge. If your app exceeds the limit, the app will start failing. Verify your identity to get up to 150 000 requests per 24 hour period, by enabling billing on the Google Developers Console.


Note: These limits do not apply to the Places Library in the Google Maps JavaScript API, which is covered by the Google Maps JavaScript API limits. If you are developing a web based application that only needs to search for places, and does not submit new places, you should use the Places Library of the Google Maps Javascript API rather than the Google Places API Web Service. The Places library assigns a quota to each end user rather than to each key. This means that your available quota increases with your user base rather than being capped at a fixed amount.

他们可能使用 ip 地址来识别不同的用户。