如何在 Google Chrome (Windows) 中创建关闭下载栏的快捷方式

How can i create a shortcut to close the Download bar in Google Chrome (Windows)

我搜索了一下,据我所知,没有这样的捷径。但是 Google Chrome 的 this 扩展可以做到这一点,它会在 5 秒后自动关闭下载栏。但是我通常避免安装扩展。有没有办法做这样的捷径?一些看似微不足道且无关紧要的事情却能真正发挥作用。提前致谢。

有一个名为 Always Clear Downloads 的 chrome 扩展。

User Reviews:

•First extension that clears the download bar and hides it afterwards.

•I have been looking for an extension that does this! Thank you. Works very well hiding the download bar after the download has completed. Saves a click.