使用 RichTextBox 控件显示文本文件的所有字符

Display all characters of a text file using RichTextBox Control

我想读取文本文件并在 RichTextBox 控件 中显示并显示所有可能的字符,包括 ESC FF SO SI空格.



if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK) {
    string text = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog1.FileName);
    richTextBox1.Text = text;


实现此目的的一种方法是通过遍历加载文件中的所有字符自行生成富文本,但如果您找到特殊的序列字符,请将其替换为序列的粗体/无底线/斜体名称.查看 http://sourceforge.net/projects/netrtfwriter/ 了解如何使用这些格式设置选项自己创建 RTF 文档,然后您可以给 richTextBox.

编辑:好吧,RTF 编写器对于该任务可能有些矫枉过正。 RTFBox 有非常 有限的可能性,但这一个没问题。看看这个文件。

这包含从 0 到 127 的所有 ASCII 字符。这是我的应用程序打印它们的方式:

代码很简单。我使用字典来替换特殊字符,并使用 this SO question 的扩展名在其中添加一些颜色。如果你想要更漂亮的着色和格式(比如你的单词周围光滑、圆润的边缘),不要使用 RichTextBox,而是使用更高级的东西。这应该可以帮助您入门。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace FileViewer
    public partial class FileViewerForm : Form
        public FileViewerForm()

        //Click handler.
        private void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Ask them to select a file.
            openFileDialog.Title = "Please select a file";
            openFileDialog.Filter = "Any file|*.*";
            var dlgResult = openFileDialog.ShowDialog();
            if (dlgResult != DialogResult.OK)

            //Get the text as a char array.
            char[] text = File.ReadAllText(openFileDialog.FileName).ToCharArray();

            //loop through all of them
            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                //is this a special ASCII character?
                if (lSpecialDict.ContainsKey(text[i]))
                    string replacement;
                    //get the replacement
                    lSpecialDict.TryGetValue(text[i], out replacement);
                    if (replacement != null)
                        //Print it out with DarkGray as backcolor, Firebrick as font color.
                        richTextBox1.AppendText("[" + replacement + "]", Color.LightGray, Color.Firebrick);
                //just a normal character? Then append it.

        //Contains the substition strings for the characters. A char --> string mapping.
        private Dictionary<char, string> lSpecialDict 
            = new Dictionary<char, string>()
            { '[=10=]',      "NUL" }, {(char)0x01, "SOH" }, {(char)0x02, "STX" },
            {(char)0x03, "ETX" }, {(char)0x04, "EOT" }, {(char)0x05, "ENQ" },
            {(char)0x06, "ACK" }, {(char)0x07, "BEL" }, {(char)0x08, "BS"  },
            {(char)0x09, "HT"  }, {(char)0x0A, "LF"  }, {(char)0x0B, "VT"  },
            {(char)0x0C, "FF"  }, {(char)0x0D, "CR"  }, {(char)0x0E, "SO"  },
            {(char)0x0F, "SI"  }, {(char)0x10, "DLE" }, {(char)0x11, "DC1" },
            {(char)0x12, "DC2" }, {(char)0x13, "DC3" }, {(char)0x14, "DC4" },
            {(char)0x15, "NAK" }, {(char)0x16, "SYN" }, {(char)0x17, "ETB" },
            {(char)0x18, "CAN" }, {(char)0x19, "EM"  }, {(char)0x1A, "SUB" },
            {(char)0x1B, "ESC" }, {(char)0x1C, "FS"  }, {(char)0x1D, "GS"  },
            {(char)0x1E, "RS"  }, {(char)0x1F, "US"  }, {(char)0x7F, "DEL" },

        private void FileViewerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    public static class RichTextBoxExtensions
        public static void AppendText(this RichTextBox box, string text, System.Drawing.Color bgcolor, Color fontcolor)
            box.SelectionStart = box.TextLength;
            box.SelectionLength = 0;

            var saved = box.SelectionBackColor;
            var saved2 = box.SelectionColor;
            box.SelectionBackColor = bgcolor;
            box.SelectionColor = fontcolor;
            box.SelectionBackColor = saved;
            box.SelectionColor = saved2;