带箭头键的 Perl Term::ReadKey

Perl Term::ReadKey with Arrow Keys

我在 ReadMode('cbreak') 中使用 Term::ReadKey 来读取单个字符并根据输入执行操作。这适用于除箭头键之外的所有其他键。按下箭头键时,该操作执行 3 次,我理解这是因为箭头键转换为“^[[A”等...

如何将箭头键转换为 ReadKey 可以解释的任意单个值?


use Term::ReadKey;


my $keystroke = '';

while ($keystroke ne 'h') {

    print "Enter key: "; 

    #Read user keystroke 
    $keystroke = ReadKey(0);


    if(ord($keystroke) == 27) {
         $keystroke = ('0');


use Term::RawInput;
use strict;
use warnings;

my $keystroke = '';
my $special = ''; 

while(lc($keystroke) ne 'i' && lc($keystroke) ne 't'){

    my $promptp = "Enter key: ";

    ($keystroke,$special) = rawInput($promptp, 1);

    if ($keystroke ne '') {
        print "You hit the normal '$keystroke' key\n";
    } else {
        print "You hit the special '$special' key\n";


    $keystroke = lc($keystroke);

if($keystroke eq 'i') {
    #Do something

if($keystroke eq 't') {
    #Do something



Enter key: 
Enter key:
Enter key: You hit the normal 't' key

#Proceeds to function

Term::RawInput 并没有涵盖所有内容,但对于这项任务来说这是一个很好的开始:

use Term::RawInput;
my ($keystroke,$special) = rawInput("", 1);
if ($keystroke ne '') {
    print "You hit the normal '$keystroke' key\n";
} else {
    print "You hit the special '$special' key\n";

如果你想阅读 "keypresses" 的高级语义思想,而不是 "bytes from the terminal" 的低级语义思想,你需要一些可以解析和收集那些多-字节序列给你。


use Term::TermKey;

my $tk = Term::TermKey->new( \*STDIN );

print "Press any key\n";

$tk->waitkey( my $key );

print "You pressed: " . $tk->format_key( $key, 0 );


use Term::ReadKey;


    #Temporarily turn off warnings so no messages appear for uninitialized $keystroke
    #that for some reason appears for the if statement
    no warnings;

    my $keystroke = '';

    while ($keystroke ne 'h') {

        print "\nEnter key: ";

        #Read user keystroke 
        $keystroke = ReadKey(0);

        #The first character for the arrow keys (ex. '^[[A') evaluates to 27 so I check for 
        if(ord($keystroke) == 27) {
            #Flush the rest of the characters from input buffer
            #This produces an 'Use of uninitialized value...' error
            #for the other two characters, hence 'no warnings' at the beginning.
            #This will ignore the other 2 characters and only cause a single iteration
            while( defined ReadKey(-1) ) {}
    ReadMode 0;

基于 mob 答案,使用 Term::RawInput,我编写了这个脚本来模拟更复杂的输入交互。最重要的区别是使用 'rawInput': mob suggested: rawInput("",1), 我发现实际上使用 rawInput("> ") (没有第二个参数)使事情更容易使用, 提示符“>”更有用

此代码接受命令和特殊键。此外,它显示得很好,可以用作您系统的交互式 shell。

DELETE 键将删除所有字符和 BACKSPACE 单个字符。 ESC 将退出 shell。您可以添加更多键以包括箭头或其他任何东西来执行特殊功能。此代码将打印出 if..elsif 中未包含的任何特殊按键(因此您知道需要添加什么)。

use warnings;
use strict;
use Term::RawInput;

sub out {
    my $out = shift;
    print "[ $out ]\n";

do {
    my ($keystroke,$special) = rawInput("> ");
    if($special eq 'ESC') {
        print "\n";
    } elsif($special eq 'ENTER') {
    } elsif($special ne 'DELETE') {
        if ($keystroke ne '') {
        } else {
            print "'$special' key is not associated\n";
} while(1);

你可以在里面实现你的命令 "out";