
In the following Swift code why does the program exit while loop when it reaches break?

在下面的Swift代码中,为什么while循环到了break程序就退出了?它不应该只退出 if 而不是 while 循环吗?

var cokeLeft = 7
var fantasLeft = 4

while (cokeLeft > 0) {

    println("You have \(cokeLeft) Cokes left.")
    cokeLeft = cokeLeft - 1

    if(cokeLeft <= fantasLeft){
println("You stop drinking Cokes.")

中断通常退出最近的循环。 while 是一个循环。 if 不被认为是一个循环。这里是对应的文档。

From the IOS Developer Library:

A break statement ends program execution of a loop or a switch statement.

此外,from the IOS Developer Library

Loop statements allow a block of code to be executed repeatedly, depending on the conditions specified in the loop. Swift has four loop statements: a for statement, a for-in statement, a while statement, and a do-while statement.

所以,在这里你可以看到循环语句中没有列出 "if"。