
Recursive data & components, later fetches throwing an error

首先关闭我的 graphql 数据模型:

type Human {
  id: !String,
  name: !String,
  children: [Human]


class extends Relay.Route {
  static queries = {
    human: () => Relay.QL`query RootQuery { viewer }`
  static routeName = 'AppHomeRoute';


class HumanList extends Component {
  render() {
    let {children} = this.props.human;

    let subListsHTML = human ? children.map(child => (
      <HumanListItem key={child.id} human={child}/>
    )) : '';

    return <ul>{subListsHTML}</ul>;

export default Relay.createContainer(HumanList, {
  fragments: {
    human: () =>  Relay.QL`
      fragment on Human {
        children {


class HumanListItem extends Component {
  state = {expanded: false};

  render() {
    let {human} = this.props;

    let sublistHTML = '';
    if (this.state.expanded) {
      sublistHTML = <ul><HumanList human={human}/></ul>;

    return (
        <div onClick={this.onClickHead.bind(this)}>{human.name}</div>

  onClickHead() {
    this.props.relay.setVariables({expanded: true});
    this.setState({expanded: true});


HumanListItem.defaultProps = {viewer: {}};

export default Relay.createContainer(HumanListItem, {

  initialVariables: {
    expanded: false

  fragments: {
    human: (variables) =>  Relay.QL`
      fragment on Human {


这对根列表运行良好。但是,一旦我单击一个 ListItem 并将其展开,我就会收到以下错误:

Warning: RelayContainer: Expected prop 'human' supplied 'HumanList' to be data fetched by Relay. This is likely an error unless you are purposely passing in mock data that conforms to the shape of this component's fragment.

我不太理解它,因为我传递的数据不是模拟的,而是直接由 Relay 获取的,如 HumanList comp 中所示。

错误表明 <HumanList> 在其数据准备好之前正在渲染。

class HumanListItem extends Component {
  onClickHead() {
    this.props.relay.setVariables({expanded: true});
    this.setState({expanded: true});  // <-- this causes the component to re-render before data is ready


class HumanListItem extends Component {
  // no need for `state.expanded`

  render() {
    let {human} = this.props;

    let sublistHTML = '';
    if (this.props.relay.variables.expanded) {
      // `variables` are the *currently fetched* data
      // if `variables.expanded` is true, expanded data is fetched
      sublistHTML = <ul><HumanList human={human}/></ul>;

    return (
        <div onClick={this.onClickHead.bind(this)}>{human.name}</div>

  onClickHead() {
    this.props.relay.setVariables({expanded: true});
    // no need for `setState()`


HumanListItem.defaultProps = {viewer: {}};

export default Relay.createContainer(HumanListItem, {

  initialVariables: {
    expanded: false

  fragments: {
    human: (variables) =>  Relay.QL`
      fragment on Human {
