Javascript 或 angularjs 在刷新之间延迟浏览器关闭或选项卡关闭

Javascript or angularjs defer browser close or tab close between refresh

有什么方法可以在用户刷新页面或关闭浏览器/浏览器选项卡时触发? (我想在 AngularJS / JavaScript 中触发它)。对此有什么想法吗?


var myEvent = window.attachEvent || window.addEventListener;
   var chkevent = window.attachEvent ? 'onbeforeunload' : 'beforeunload'; /// make IE7, IE8 compatable

   myEvent(chkevent, function (e) { // For >=IE7, Chrome, Firefox
       var confirmationMessage = ' ';  // a space
       (e || window.event).returnValue = "Are you sure that you'd like to close the browser?";
       return confirmationMessage;


myApp.directive('myDirective', function() {
    return function($window) {
        var myEvent = $window.attachEvent || $window.addEventListener,
            chkevent = $window.attachEvent ? 'onbeforeunload' : 'beforeunload'; 

        myEvent(chkevent, function(e) {
            var confirmationMessage = ' ';
            (e || $window.event).returnValue = "Are you sure that you'd like to close the browser?";
            return confirmationMessage;

link 函数中绑定事件,这将允许访问 angular 编译指令元素。


.directive('windowExit', function($window) {
  return {
    restrict: 'AE',
    link: function(element, attrs){
       var myEvent = $window.attachEvent || $window.addEventListener,
       chkevent = $window.attachEvent ? 'onbeforeunload' : 'beforeunload'; /// make IE7, IE8 compatable

       myEvent(chkevent, function (e) { // For >=IE7, Chrome, Firefox
           var confirmationMessage = ' ';  // a space
           (e || $window.event).returnValue = "Are you sure that you'd like to close the browser?";
           return confirmationMessage;


<body window-exit></body>


'use strict';
.controller('MyCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$location', '$state', '$window', '$timeout', '$sce', 'UserAuthorize', function($rootScope, $scope, $location, $state, $window, $timeout, $sce, UserAuthorize) {

//Getting the value from storage

//Setting the value to storage
$window.sessionStorage.setItem('key', 'value');

// Remove from storage


基于此,我在用户登录时保存了我的值。然后当浏览器 window 关闭时,这些值将不会保留。

通过使用本地存储,我能够仅为当前 window.


编辑: 我虽然通过使用 cookie 方法可以处理这个问题,但后来我遇到了区分刷新和关闭的问题。结果是 localStorage 救了我一命:)