如何在 for in 循环中向下转换为 [String: String]?

How to downcast to [String: String] in a for in loop?

Swift 编程语言指南的 type casting 部分说,当我们知道项目是某种类型时,可以在 for in 循环中向下转换:

Because this array is known to contain only Movie instances, you can downcast and unwrap directly to a non-optional Movie with the forced version of the type cast operator (as):

for movie in someObjects as [Movie] {
   println("Movie: '\(movie.name)', dir. \(movie.director)")

我正在尝试对具有以下格式的已解析 JSON 执行相同操作:

{ "data":
   {"promotions": [ 
      { "id": "1", 
        "title": "Some promo",
        "route": "http://www.....jpg" 
      } , 
      { "id": "2",
        "title": "Promo 2",
        "route": "http://www.....jpg" 
      } ] 


if let data = json["data"] as? NSDictionary {
    if let promos = data["promotions"] as? NSArray {
        for i in promos as [String: String] { //<- error here
            if i["id"] != nil && i["title"] != nil && i["route"] != nil {
                self.promotions.append(Promotion(id: i["id"], title: i["title"], imageURL: i["route"]))

然而,这个显示错误:'String' is not identical to 'NSObject'。 JSON 解析正确,如果我单独投射它们,我可以使用这些项目,所以这个有效:

for i in promos {
    var item = i as [String: String]
    if item["id"] != nil && item["title"] != nil && item["route"] != nil {
        self.promotions.append(Promotion(id: item["id"]!, title: item["title"]!, imageURL: item["route"]!))

我在这里错过了什么?为什么我不能将整个数组投射到 for...in?

在这种情况下,演员表作用于 promos 而不是 i。由于 promos[String: String] 个字典的数组,因此您需要将 promos 转换为 [[String: String]]。当您这样做时,i 将具有 [String: String] 类型,因为它是 [[String: String]] 数组的一个元素。

for i in promos as [[String: String]] {