'n' 在 pdb 中让我进入 pdb.set_trace() 方法

'n' in pdb moves me inside of the pdb.set_trace() method

我正在尝试使用 this tutorial referenced from another Whosebug question 学习 pdb,我正处于“入门”部分的第 3 步。

In [12]: %paste
# epdb1.py -- experiment with the Python debugger, pdb
import pdb
a = "aaa"
b = "bbb"
c = "ccc"
final = a + b + c
print final
## -- End pasted text --
> <ipython-input-12-48afa1c7ad72>(4)<module>()->None
-> pdb.set_trace()

(Pdb) l
  1     # epdb1.py -- experiment with the Python debugger, pdb
  2     import pdb
  3     a = "aaa"
  4  -> pdb.set_trace()
  5     b = "bbb"
  6     c = "ccc"
  7     final = a + b + c
  8     print final

(Pdb) n
> /Users/jg/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/interactiveshell.py(3038)run_code()
-> sys.excepthook = old_excepthook
(Pdb) l
3033                    self.hooks.pre_run_code_hook()
3034                    #rprint('Running code', repr(code_obj)) # dbg
3035                    exec(code_obj, self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns)
3036                finally:
3037                    # Reset our crash handler in place
3038 ->                 sys.excepthook = old_excepthook
3039            except SystemExit as e:
3040                if result is not None:
3041                    result.error_in_exec = e
3042                self.showtraceback(exception_only=True)
3043                warn("To exit: use 'exit', 'quit', or Ctrl-D.", level=1)

看起来 n(ext) 应该将我移动到当前帧的下一行:

(Pdb) help next
Continue execution until the next line in the current function
is reached or it returns.

并且在教程的示例中似乎成功地做到了这一点。但在我的 ipython 中,它似乎将我移动到 pdb.set_trace() 代码中的下一行。

如何简单地导航到 'b = "bbb"' 行?

在您的 ipython 中试试这个:

import pdb
def test_pdb_example():
    a = "aaa"
    pdb.set_trace() # use 'n' for navigate to next line
    b = "bbb"
    c = "ccc"
    final = a + b + c
    return final
