
Add repeated-measures column names as prefix instead of suffix using reshape

我正在使用 base R 中的 reshape 函数将用于重复测量设计的长格式数据框转换为宽格式。请参阅下面的玩具数据集。问题 1、2 和 3 是对三项调查的个人回答。有四位参与者,每人参加四次调查。

Q1 <- c(2,6,5,4,3,8,9,2,1,5,4,7,3,7,2,1)
Q2 <- c(4,7,6,3,1,2,5,6,7,5,4,3,5,6,6,3)
Q3 <- c(7,9,3,1,5,3,7,5,3,3,5,7,8,9,9,3)
Participant <- rep(c("Bob","Sue","Jim","Tom"), times = 1, each = 4)
Time <- rep(c("FirstSurvey","SecondSurvey","ThirdSurvey","FourthSurvey"), times = 4)

m <- as.data.frame(cbind(Participant, Time, Q1, Q2, Q3))



   Participant         Time Q1 Q2 Q3
1          Bob  FirstSurvey  2  4  7
2          Bob SecondSurvey  6  7  9
3          Bob  ThirdSurvey  5  6  3
4          Bob FourthSurvey  4  3  1
5          Sue  FirstSurvey  3  1  5
6          Sue SecondSurvey  8  2  3
7          Sue  ThirdSurvey  9  5  7
8          Sue FourthSurvey  2  6  5
9          Jim  FirstSurvey  1  7  3
10         Jim SecondSurvey  5  5  3
11         Jim  ThirdSurvey  4  4  5
12         Jim FourthSurvey  7  3  7
13         Tom  FirstSurvey  3  5  8
14         Tom SecondSurvey  7  6  9
15         Tom  ThirdSurvey  2  6  9
16         Tom FourthSurvey  1  3  3


mReshaped <- reshape(m, idvar = "Participant", timevar = "Time", direction = "wide", sep = "", new.row.names = c(1,2,3,4))



  Participant Q1FirstSurvey Q2FirstSurvey Q3FirstSurvey Q1SecondSurvey Q2SecondSurvey
1         Bob             2             4             7              6              7
2         Sue             3             1             5              8              2
3         Jim             1             7             3              5              5
4         Tom             3             5             8              7              6
  Q3SecondSurvey Q1ThirdSurvey Q2ThirdSurvey Q3ThirdSurvey Q1FourthSurvey Q2FourthSurvey
1              9             5             6             3              4              3
2              3             9             5             7              2              6
3              3             4             4             5              7              3
4              9             2             6             9              1              3
1              1
2              5
3              7
4              3



 [1] "Participant"    "Q1FirstSurvey"  "Q2FirstSurvey"  "Q3FirstSurvey"  "Q1SecondSurvey"
 [6] "Q2SecondSurvey" "Q3SecondSurvey" "Q1ThirdSurvey"  "Q2ThirdSurvey"  "Q3ThirdSurvey" 
[11] "Q1FourthSurvey" "Q2FourthSurvey" "Q3FourthSurvey"



我不确定您是否可以在 reshape 内更改顺序,但您可以在之后使用 gsub 和正则表达式来更改它:

names(mReshaped) = gsub("(Q[0-9])(.*)", "\2\1", names(mReshaped))

 [1] "Participant"    "FirstSurveyQ1"  "FirstSurveyQ2"  "FirstSurveyQ3"  "SecondSurveyQ1"
 [6] "SecondSurveyQ2" "SecondSurveyQ3" "ThirdSurveyQ1"  "ThirdSurveyQ2"  "ThirdSurveyQ3" 
[11] "FourthSurveyQ1" "FourthSurveyQ2" "FourthSurveyQ3"


在这种情况下,Q[0-9] 表示匹配 "Q" 后跟任何数字。 (Q[0-9]) 将该匹配项转换为 "capture group" 意味着我们可以稍后再参考它。这是捕获组 #1。

.* 表示匹配所有剩余的字符(在 Q[0-9] 匹配的任何字符之后的任何字符)。 .表示匹配任意单个字符;添加 * 表示匹配任意长度的任意字符串。 (.*) 将匹配项转换为捕获组 #2。

\2\1 获取我们捕获的两个字符串并反转它们的顺序。

正则表达式对于此类文本操作任务非常有用。一些可以了解更多信息的地方是 here, here, and here