Groovy XmlParser / XmlSlurper:node.localText() 位置?

Groovy XmlParser / XmlSlurper: node.localText() position?

我对这个问题有 follow-up 个问题:

它解释说,为了获得 (HTML) 节点的本地内部文本而不递归地获得潜在内部 child 节点的嵌套文本,必须使用 #localText() 而不是 #text().


            Text I would like to get1.
            <a href="">extra stuff</a>
            Text I would like to get2.
            <a href="">link to example</a>
            Text I would like to get3.
            <a href="">extra stuff</a>
            Text I would like to get2.
            <a href="">link to example</a>
            Text I would like to get3.


def tagsoupParser = new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser()
def slurper = new XmlSlurper(tagsoupParser)
def htmlParsed = slurper.parseText(stringToParse)

println htmlParsed.body.div[0].localText()[0]

会 return:

[Text I would like to get1., Text I would like to get2., Text I would like to get3.]


println htmlParsed.body.span[0].localText()


[Text I would like to get2., Text I would like to get3.]

我现在面临的问题是,显然无法确定文本的位置 ("between which child nodes")。我本以为第二次调用会产生

[, Text I would like to get2., Text I would like to get3.]

这会说清楚:位置 0(在 child 0 之前)是空的,位置 1(在 child 0 和 1 之间)是 "Text I would like to get2.",位置 2 ( child 1 和 2) 之间是 "Text I would like to get3." 但是考虑到 API 的工作原理,显然没有办法确定索引 0 处的文本 return 是否实际上是位于索引 0 或任何其他索引处,对于所有其他索引也是如此。

我用 XmlSlurperXmlParser 都试过了,得到了相同的结果。

如果我没记错的话,因此也不可能使用来自解析器的信息完全重新创建原始 HTML 文档,因为此 "text index" 信息已丢失。



为了进一步参考,这里是 Will P 的答案,应用于原始代码:

def tagsoupParser = new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser()
def slurper = new XmlParser(tagsoupParser)
def htmlParsed = slurper.parseText(stringToParse)

println htmlParsed.body.div[0].children().collect {it in String ? it : null}


[Text I would like to get1., null, Text I would like to get2., null, Text I would like to get3.]

必须使用 XmlParser 而不是 XmlSlurpernode.children()

我不知道 jsoup,我希望它不会干扰解决方案,但是使用纯 XmlParser 你可以获得一个包含原始字符串的 children() 数组:

html = '''<html>
            Text I would like to get1.
            <a href="">extra stuff</a>
            Text I would like to get2.
            <a href="">link to example</a>
            Text I would like to get3.
            <a href="">extra stuff</a>
            Text I would like to get2.
            <a href="">link to example</a>
            Text I would like to get3.

def root = new XmlParser().parseText html

root.body.div[0].children().with {
    assert get(0).trim() == 'Text I would like to get1.'
    assert get(0).getClass() == String

    assert get(1).name() == 'a'
    assert get(1).getClass() == Node

    assert get(2) == '''
            Text I would like to get2.