如何在 entity framework 中添加种子方法

how to add seed method in entity framework

我正在尝试 运行 使用 Entity Framework 进行代码优先迁移。我启用、添加和更新。当我更新时,它说它是 运行 种子方法并且没有错误,但是当我查看表中的数据时,没有任何错误。


public static class Seeder
    public static void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
            p => p.PropId,
            new Prop() { PropName = "sharpie" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "coin" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "playing cards" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "coffee mug" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "phone" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "keys" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "sunglasses" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "headphones" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "ring" },
            new Prop() { PropName = "lighter" }

            t => t.TheoryId,
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 0,
                TheoryName = "Production",
                TheoryDescription = "Make it appear out of nowhere!"
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 1,
                TheoryName = "Vanish",
                TheoryDescription = "Make it vanish into thin air!"
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 2,
                TheoryName = "Transportation",
                TheoryDescription = "Make it vanish, and then reappear somewhere impossible!"
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 3,
                TheoryName = "Transformation", // This uses TWO props
                TheoryDescription = "Cause one of these items to change into the other item!"
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 4,
                TheoryName = "Multiplication",
                TheoryDescription = "Magically duplicate this item again and again!"
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 5,
                TheoryName = "Penetration", // This uses TWO props
                TheoryDescription = "Cause the two items to inexplicably pass through each other"
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 6,
                TheoryName = "Restoration",
                TheoryDescription = "Destroy the item in some way. Restore it."
            new Theory()
               // TheoryId = 7,
                TheoryName = "Levitation",
                TheoryDescription = "Make the item float in mid-air!"

        //////////////////////////////////////////// The following seeds user data

        // ApplicationUser table seeder
        UserStore<ApplicationUser> userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
        UserManager<ApplicationUser> userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(userStore);

        RoleStore<Role> roleStore = new RoleStore<Role>(context);
        RoleManager<Role> roleManager = new RoleManager<Role>(roleStore);

        if (!roleManager.RoleExists("Admin"))
            roleManager.Create(new Role { Name = "Admin" });

        if (!roleManager.RoleExists("User"))
            roleManager.Create(new Role { Name = "User" });

        IdentityResult result = null; // Sets the result to null. Used for error checking.

        /////////// Admin (1)
        ApplicationUser admin1 = userManager.FindByName("MagicRawb");

        if (admin1 == null)
            admin1 = new ApplicationUser
                FirstName = "Rob",
                LastName = "Greenwald",
                UserName = "magicrawb",
                Email = "magicrawb@test.com",
                Gender = Gender.Male

        result = userManager.Create(admin1, "asdfasdf");
        if (!result.Succeeded)
            string error = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
            throw new Exception(error);

        userManager.AddToRole(admin1.Id, "Admin"); // Add user1 to Admin role
        admin1 = userManager.FindByName("MagicRawb"); // Assign user1 data to variable user1

        /////////// Admin (2)
        ApplicationUser admin2 = userManager.FindByName("admin2");

        if (admin2 == null)
            admin2 = new ApplicationUser
                FirstName = "Bekah",
                LastName = "Cellz",
                UserName = "admin2",
                Email = "admin2@test.com",
                Gender = Gender.Female

        result = userManager.Create(admin2, "asdfasdf");
        if (!result.Succeeded)
            string error = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
            throw new Exception(error);

        userManager.AddToRole(admin2.Id, "Admin"); // Add user1 to Admin role
        admin1 = userManager.FindByName("admin2"); // Assign user1 data to variable user1

        /////////// User (1)
        ApplicationUser user1 = userManager.FindByName("user1");

        if (user1 == null)
            user1 = new ApplicationUser
                FirstName = "Lance",
                LastName = "Burton",
                UserName = "user1",
                Email = "user1@test.com",
                Gender = Gender.Male

        result = userManager.Create(user1, "asdfasdf");
        if (!result.Succeeded)
            string error = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
            throw new Exception(error);

        userManager.AddToRole(user1.Id, "User"); // Add user1 to Admin role
        user1 = userManager.FindByName("user1"); // Assign user1 data to variable user1

        /////////// User (2)
        ApplicationUser user2 = userManager.FindByName("user2");

        if (user2 == null)
            user2 = new ApplicationUser
                FirstName = "David",
                LastName = "Stone",
                UserName = "user2",
                Email = "user2@test.com",
                Gender = Gender.Male

        result = userManager.Create(user2, "asdfasdf");
        if (!result.Succeeded)
            string error = result.Errors.FirstOrDefault();
            throw new Exception(error);

        userManager.AddToRole(user1.Id, "User"); // Add user1 to Admin role
        user2 = userManager.FindByName("user2"); // Assign user1 data to variable user1


这是我的 DbContext:

public ApplicationDbContext()
    : base("DefaultConnection", throwIfV1Schema: false)
    this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
    return new ApplicationDbContext();
public IDbSet<Prop> Props { get; set; }
public IDbSet<Theory> Theories { get; set; }
public IDbSet<NewTrick> NewTricks { get; set; }


你应该添加一个配置 class 比如

internal class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<ApplicationDbContext>
    protected override void Seed(ApplicationDbContext context)
          //seed code here


public class MyInitializer : MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ApplicationDbContext, Configuration>

最后在应用程序启动时为您的 EF 数据库设置初始值设定项

Database.SetInitializer(new MyInitializer());

您已使用以下代码行将 UserRole 添加到 UserManager 两次 userManager.AddToRole(user1.Id, "User") 这可能是冲突的原因。

确切地说,将您发布的上述代码复制到一个新文件中,然后查看第 159 和 184 行。