
Combining rows to create two columns of data

我对如何正确执行此查询有点困惑。我有一个看起来像这样的 table。其中0区代表一个值,应该应用到所有区(全局)。

[ district ] [ code ] [ value ]
     1          A         11
     1          C         12
     2          A         13
     2          B         14
     0          B         15

我已经建立了一个查询(如下)来合并每个地区的 "global value"。

[ district ] [ code ] [ district value ] [ global value ]
      1         A            11               null        -> row 1
      1         B           null               15         -> row 2
      1         C            12               null        -> row 3
      2         A            13               null        -> row 4
      2         B            14                15         -> row 5
      2         C           null              null        -> row 6 (optional)

我加入了所有可能的列表 district/code。

select all_code.district, all_code.code, table_d.value, table_g.value
  from (select distinct b.district, a.code
          from temp_table a
         inner join (select distinct district
                      from temp_table
                     where district <> 0) b
            on 1 = 1) all_code
  left join temp_table table_d
    on table_d.code = all_code.code
   and table_d.district = all_code.district
  left join temp_table table_g
    on table_g.code = all_code.code
   and table_g.district = 0

这个查询很好用,但看起来很丑。有更好的方法吗? (请注意,我不关心第 6 行是否存在)。


create table temp_table
  district VARCHAR2(5) not null,
  code     VARCHAR2(5) not null,
  value    VARCHAR2(5) not null

insert into temp_table (district, code, value)
values ('1', 'A', '11');
insert into temp_table (district, code, value)
values ('1', 'C', '12');
insert into temp_table (district, code, value)
values ('2', 'A', '13');
insert into temp_table (district, code, value)
values ('2', 'B', '14');
insert into temp_table (district, code, value)
values ('0', 'B', '15');

这是其中一个选项。由于您使用的是 10g,因此您可以使用分区外连接(partition by() 子句)来填补空白:

with DCodes(code) as(
  select 'A' from dual union all
  select 'B' from dual union all
  select 'C' from dual
DGlobal(code, value1) as(
  select code
       , value
    from temp_table
   where district = 0
select tt.district
     , dc.code
     , tt.value
     , dg.value1 as global_value
  from temp_table tt
       partition by(tt.district)
       right join DCodes dc 
               on (dc.code = tt.code)
       left join DGlobal dg
              on (dg.code = dc.code)
 where tt.district != 0
 order by 1, 2


--------  ----  -----  ------------
1         A     11                 
1         B            15           
1         C     12                 
2         A     13                 
2         B     14     15           
2         C                       

我认为很多 "ugliness" 是因为缺少 districtcode 的查找表。如果没有这些的权威来源,您必须根据正在使用的值来制作一个(因此使用 distinct 的子查询)。


SELECT   a.district,
FROM     (SELECT DISTINCT district FROM temp_table WHERE district <> 0) a
         CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT code FROM temp_table) b
         LEFT JOIN temp_table c
            ON b.code = c.code AND a.district = c.district
         LEFT JOIN temp_table d
            ON b.code = d.code AND d.district = 0
ORDER BY district, code