如何在 Microsoft 测试管理器 (MTM) 2013 中创建测试套件?

How to create a Test Suite in Microsoft Test Manager (MTM) 2013?

有什么方法可以在 MTM 中定义测试 Scenarios/Suites 并将测试用例与之相关联吗?


我会根据你的问题假设这些事情 -

  1. You want to create a "Scenario" and then add "Test Cases" Under that scenario. OR
  2. You are talking about a "Test Case" to which you want to associate a "Test Method" / "Ordered Test" OR
  3. You're asking about the convention

创建一个"Scenario"然后添加"Test Cases"

Scenario can be a new "Suite"(MTM > Contents > New > Suite) and you can add an test case by clicking on the suite and clicking on "new" to create a new "test case". This would add the test case under the test suite.

将 "Test Case" 关联到 "Test Method" / "Ordered Test"

Go to Visual Studio, Team > Go To Work Item > type the id of your test case created in MTM > GO to Associate Automation tab(the last tab) and select the Test Method/Ordered Test you want to associate with the Test Case > Save and Close


