摘要 classes 和 PyMongo;无法实例化抽象 class

Abstract classes and PyMongo; can't instantiate abstract class

我创建了空摘要 class AbstractStorage 并从中继承了 Storage class:

import abc
import pymongo as mongo

host = mongo.MongoClient()

print(host.alive()) # True

class AbstractStorage(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

class Storage(AbstractStorage):
    dbh = host
    def __init__(self):





Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/vaultah/run.py", line 16, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Storage with abstract methods dbh

如果我删除 metaclass=abc.ABCMeta(这样 AbstractStorage 就变成普通的 class),问题(显然)就会消失 and/or 如果我设置 dbh到其他一些值。


这实际上不是 ABC 的问题,而是 PyMongo 的问题。有一个问题 here。似乎 pymongo 将 __getattr__ 覆盖为 return 某种数据库 class。这意味着 host.__isabstractmethod__ return 是一个数据库对象,在布尔上下文中为真。这导致 ABCMeta 认为 host 是一个抽象方法:

>>> bool(host.__isabstractmethod__)

问题报告中描述的解决方法是在您的对象上手动设置 host.__isabstractmethod__ = False。关于这个问题的最后评论表明已经为 pymongo 3.0 提供了修复。


mongo.MongoClient returns 一个看起来是(是?)抽象方法的对象,然后您将其分配给 Storage 中的 dbh 字段。这使得 Storage 成为抽象的 class,因此实例化它会引发 TypeError.

请注意,我没有 pymongo,所以除了 ABCMeta.

对它的处理方式,我无法告诉你更多关于 MongoClient 的信息


ABCMeta.__new__ 方法查看它正在创建的新 class 的每个字段。任何本身具有 True(或 "true-like")__isabstractmethod__ 字段的字段都被视为抽象方法。如果 class 有 any 非覆盖的抽象方法,整个 class 被认为是抽象的,所以任何实例化它的尝试都是错误的。

来自标准库的早期版本 abc.py:

def __new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace):
    cls = super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, namespace)
    # Compute set of abstract method names
    abstracts = {name
                 for name, value in namespace.items()
                 if getattr(value, "__isabstractmethod__", False)}
    # ...
    cls.__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(abstracts)
    # ...

这在 abc.ABCMeta class 文档中没有提到,但在 @abc.abstractmethod 装饰器下稍微低一点:

In order to correctly interoperate with the abstract base class machinery, the descriptor must identify itself as abstract using __isabstractmethod__. In general, this attribute should be True if any of the methods used to compose the descriptor are abstract.


我创建了一个带有 __isabstractmethod__ 属性的假 "abstract-looking" class,以及 AbstractStorage 的两个假定的具体子 class。您会看到其中一个产生的错误与您得到的错误完全相同:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import abc
# I don't have pymongo, so I have to fake it.  See CounterfeitAbstractMethod.
#import pymongo as mongo

class CounterfeitAbstractMethod():
    This class appears to be an abstract method to the abc.ABCMeta.__new__

    Normally, finding an abstract method in a class's namespace means
    that class is also abstract, so instantiating that class is an

    If a class derived from abc.ABCMeta has an instance of
    CounterfeitAbstractMethod as a value anywhere in its namespace
    dictionary, any attempt to instantiate that class will raise a
    TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class <classname> with
    abstract method <fieldname>.
    __isabstractmethod__ = True

class AbstractStorage(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):

    def __init__(self):
        Do-nothing initializer that prints the name of the (sub)class
        being initialized.
        print(self.__class__.__name__ + ".__init__ executing.")

class ConcreteStorage(AbstractStorage):
    A concrete class that also _appears_ concrete to abc.ABCMeta.  This
    class can be instantiated normally.
    whatever = "Anything that doesn't appear to be an abstract method will do."

class BogusStorage(AbstractStorage):
    This is (supposedly) a concrete class, but its whatever field appears
    to be an abstract method, making this whole class abstract ---
    abc.ABCMeta will refuse to construct any this class.
    #whatever = mongo.MongoClient('localhost', 27017)
    whatever = CounterfeitAbstractMethod()

def main():
    Print details of the ConcreteStorage and BogusStorage classes.
    for cls in ConcreteStorage, BogusStorage:
        print(cls.__name__ + ":")
        print("    whatever field: " + str(cls.whatever))
        print("    abstract methods: " + str(cls.__abstractmethods__))
        print("    Instantiating...")
        print("    ", end="")
        # KABOOM!  Instantiating BogusStorage will raise a TypeError,
        # because it appears to be an _abstract_ class.
        instance = cls()
        print("    instance: " + str(instance))

if "__main__" == __name__:

运行 这会产生:

$ ./storage.py
    whatever field: Anything that doesn't appear to be an abstract method will do.
    abstract methods: frozenset()
    ConcreteStorage.__init__ executing.
    instance: <__main__.ConcreteStorage object at 0x253afd0>

    whatever field: <__main__.CounterfeitAbstractMethod object at 0x253ad50>
    abstract methods: frozenset({'whatever'})
    Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./storage.py", line 75, in <module>
  File "./storage.py", line 68, in main
    instance = cls()
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class BogusStorage with abstract methods whatever