删除嵌套状态的项目会导致在 DOM 中删除不正确的项目

Removing item in nested state results in incorrect item being removed in DOM

我正在从事一个利用 React 和 ReFlux 的项目。目前我只有一家 ReFlux 商店:SubscriptionStore.js。它包含有关用户订阅的简单详细信息,包括 object 的嵌套数组,其中包含附加到其订阅的每个“标题”的详细信息。


    hasThisSubcription: 0
    hasThatSubscription: 1
    nextPeriodStart: "2015-10-12"
    nextYearStartDate: "2016-09-12"
    accountTitles: [{
        id: "1"
        title: "The Name"
        createdDate: "2015-09-12 16:17:08"
    }, {
        id: "2"
        title: "Another Name"
        createdDate: "2015-09-12 16:17:08"
    }, {
        id: "3"
        title: "Yet Another Name"
        createdDate: "2015-09-12 16:17:08"

我有一个 React 组件,允许用户更新现有标题的名称、添加新标题或删除标题。添加和重命名进展顺利,但删除行为不正常,我敢肯定这是因为我还没有完全掌握 React/ReFlux.


var React = require('react')
var Reflux = require('reflux')
var SubscriptionActions = require('../../stores/SubscriptionActions.js')
var SubscriptionStore = require('../../stores/SubscriptionStore.js')

module.exports = React.createClass({

    mixins: [
        Reflux.connect(SubscriptionStore, 'subscriptions')

     * Add new title
     * @param  {number} id The Title ID
    addTitle() {

     * Remove Title from state using on ID
     * @param  {number} id The Title ID
    removeTitle(id) {

     * Update Title title using ID
     * @param  {number} id  The Title ID
     * @param  {string} value  The new title
    saveTitle(id, value) {
        SubscriptionActions.updateNewTitle(id, value)

    render() {

        // Check for Title subscriptions and create an editable field for each
        var theTitles = []
        for (var i = 0; i < this.state.subscriptions.accountTitles.length; i++) {
                    key = {i}
                    ref = {'title' + i}
                    removable = {i === 0 ? false : true}
                    labelValue = ''
                    clickToRemove = {this.removeTitle.bind(this, i)}
                    primaryAction = {this.saveTitle.bind(this, i)}

        return (
                <ScrollArea ref='scrollArea'>

以及来自 SubscriptionStore.js 的相关代码位:

removeTitle(id) {
    this.subscriptions.accountTitles = _.without(this.subscriptions.accountTitles, _.findWhere(this.subscriptions.accountTitles, { id: id }));


无论我点击删除哪个标题,删除的总是最后一个 标题。如果我吐出 this.subscriptions.accountTitles 内容的前后,它表明确实从数据中删除了正确的 object,但 React 正在渲染元素,就好像它总是最后一个被删除的项目一样。


不要使用 <EditableCapsule key = {i} ...key 的全部意义在于成为 React 为更新、删除等目的必须使用的确切元素的唯一标识符。



render: function() {
  var accountTiles = this.state.subscriptions.accountTitles; 
  var tileset = accountTiles.map(this.buildTiles);
  return <ScrollArea ref='scrollArea'>{ tileset }</ScrollArea>;

buildTiles: function(tile, position) {
  var identifier = tile.title + title.id;
  return (
      key = { identifier }
      ref = { identifier }
      removable = { position !== 0 }
      labelValue = ''
      clickToRemove = { this.removeTitle.bind(this, tile) }
      primaryAction = { this.saveTitle.bind(this, tile) }
