Chrome 托管应用程序的官方 manifest.json 文档在哪里? (bookmark/shortcut 个应用)

Where's the official manifest.json documentation for Chrome Hosted Apps? (bookmark/shortcut apps)

最简单的 Google Chrome 应用程序似乎是那些仅充当书签或网站快捷方式的应用程序。他们有一个 manifest.json 是这样的:

  "manifest_version": 2,  
  "version": "0.1",  
  "short_name": "Whosebug",  
  "name": "Whosebug shortcut",  
  "description": "Whosebug bookmark chrome app",  
  "icons": { "128": "img/128.png" },  
  "app": {  
    "urls": [ "" ],  
    "launch": { "web_url": "" }  

Getting Started Tutorial Sample and in the Create a private Chrome app page 中记录了这方面的基础知识,此类应用似乎在那里被称为 书签应用


这些标签相当不言自明,并在网络上的许多教程中使用,但似乎很奇怪没有关于它们的官方文档,尤其是当 app 用于更复杂的 Chrome 应用程序时- 我只是想确保我没有遗漏一些官方的和更完整的文档,因为我错误地提到了这种类型的应用程序。

也许只是 代码是文档,我只需要找到 manifest.jsonChromium code 中解析的位置。不过,我认为值得先在这里问一下,即使我最终被告知要检查代码,也可能有人会给我一个指导,让我开始。

您描述的"bookmark" 应用程序正式称为托管应用程序Here 你对两者都有描述:


Contains installable web apps. An installable web app can be a normal website with a bit of extra metadata; this type of app is called a hosted app. Alternatively, an installable web app can bundle all its content into an archive that users download when they install the app; this is a packaged app. Both hosted and packaged apps have icons in Chrome's New Tab page, and most users shouldn't be able to tell the difference between them without looking at the address bar.

documentation for app manifest only describes the options for packaged apps. As @wOxxOm notes in the comments, the only place currently describing a manifest for a hosted app seems to be the Getting Started教程。