Sphere和3D Line Segment相交的具体位置

Specific location of intersection between Sphere and 3D Line Segment



Circle (alpha, beta, gamma) with radius r
Points at (a,b,c) and (d,e,f)

m = (e-b)/(d-a) slope of xy
n = (f-c)/(d-a) slope of xz

y = m(x-a) + b
z = m(x-a) + c

Combine equation of sphere and line

(x-alpha)^2 + (m(x-a) + b - beta)^2 + (n(x-a) + c - gamma)^2 = r^2

after algebra

(1+m^2+n^2)x^2 + (-2*alpha + 2*m*(-m*a + b - beta) + 2*n*(-n*a + c - gamma))x + (alpha^2 + (-m*a + b - beta)^2 + (-n*a + c - gamma)^2 - r^2) = 0

然后我尝试在二次公式中使用上面的公式,但是在 2,3,1 处使用半径为 2 的圆和从 0,0,04,4,4 的直线我得到了25.3510.65 的 x 值似乎不正确。




X² + Y² + Z² = R².


X = X0 + t X01, Y = Y0 + t Y01, Z = Z0 + t Z01.


(X01² + Y01² + Z01²) t² + 2 (X01.X0 + Y01.Y0 + Z01.Z0) t + X0² + Y0² + Z0² - R² = 0

这是您求解 t 的标准二次方程。

这两个根在球体内定义了一个区间,足以与[0, 1]相交就知道线段的有用部分。

您是在寻找球体或球体的距离吗?球体是球的表面。在球体情况下,如果整个段都在球体内,则距离大于 0。

计算端点 (D1, D2) 到球体中心 (C) 的距离并找到距离球体中心 (X) 最近的直线(不是线段)上的点就足够了。有了那个:


if X is on segment:
  return max(0, dist(X,C)-R)
return max(0, min(D1, D2)-R)


if X is on segment:
  if dist(X,C) < R:        # Nearest point is inside sphere
    if max(D1, D2) >= R:   # One of points is out
      return 0             # Than segment intersects sphere
    return R - max(D1, D2) # Whole segment is inside sphere, end point is nearest (because of ball convexity)
  return R - dist(X,C)     # Whole segment is out
if D1 < R and D2 < R:      # Whole segment is in
  return R - max(D1, D2)
if D1 >= R and D2 >= R:    # Whole segment is out
  return R - min(D1, D2)
return 0                   # Segment intersects sphere