DHTMLX dhtmlxForm.send() 抛出 HTTP 状态 400 - "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect."

DHTMLX dhtmlxForm.send() Throws HTTP Status 400 - "The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect."

这一切都是从我们迁移到 DHTMLX v4.0.3 开始的。 dhtmlxForm.send() 函数现在抛出 HTTP 状态 400 -“客户端发送的请求在语法上不正确。”我没有发现 [=31= 有任何问题].我确实注意到他们现在包括一个随机生成的项目 "dhxr1422484613542",该项目没有价值。知道为什么现在会抛出 HTTP 400 吗?谢谢!

Headers 选项卡: 预览选项卡: JavaScript:

    var dhxLayout = new dhtmlXLayoutObject(document.body, '1C');

    var f = dhxLayout.cells("a").attachForm([
        {type:"settings", position:"label-left", labelAlign:"right", labelWidth:150, inputWidth:150},
        {type:"hidden", name:"method", value:"getJson"},
        {type:"hidden", name:"proc", value:"c3.chgpwd"},
        {type:"password", name:"oldpwd", label:"Current Password", required:true},
        {type:"password", id:"newpwd", name:"newpwd", label:"New Password", required:true},
        {type:"password", name:"confirmpwd", label:"New Password (Again)", required:true},
        {type:"button", name:"submit", width:50, offsetLeft:150, value:"Submit"}
    f.attachEvent("onButtonClick", function(name){
        /* Here is the POST that used to work, but since v4.0.3 it throws a HTTP 400 */
        f.send("lib.cfc?method=getJson&proc=c3.chgpwd","post",function(loader, response){
            console.log(response);  /*This is never reached, see attachments for the error reported during the POST*/

我发现当名称后面缺少等号时,apache 无法处理 url 参数。

所以 url 例如:


apache 无法理解。

我猜 dhtmlx 团队没有使用 apache。