使用 boost::karma 格式化 latitude/longitude 字符串

using boost::karma to format latitude/longitude strings

我需要将 double 值格式化为具有非常特定格式的坐标字符串,"DDMMSS.SSX" 其中:


47.2535 ==> "471512.45N"
-0.123345 ==> "000724.04S"



#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>

namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;

typedef std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> iterator_type;

struct genLongitude : karma::grammar<iterator_type, double()>
        :   genLongitude::base_type(start)
        using karma::eps;
        using karma::int_;
        using karma::char_;
        using karma::_1;
        using karma::_val;
        using karma::right_align;
        using boost::phoenix::static_cast_;
        using boost::phoenix::ref;
        using boost::phoenix::if_;

        start = locls
                << degrees << minutes << seconds
                << ( eps(_val < 0.0) << char_('E') | char_('W')   );

        locls = eps[_1 = _val, if_(_val < 0.0) [ref(value) = - _val] .else_ [ref(value) = _val]];

        degrees = right_align(3,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]]
                  << eps[ref(value) = (ref(value) - static_cast_<int>(ref(value))) * 60 ];

        minutes = right_align(2,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]]
                  << eps[ref(value) = (ref(value) - static_cast_<int>(ref(value))) * 60 ];

        seconds = right_align(2,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]]
                  << char_(".")
                  << eps[ref(value) = (ref(value) - static_cast_<int>(ref(value))) * 100 ]
                  << right_align(2,char_('0'))[int_[_1 = static_cast_<int>(ref(value))]];

    double value;

    karma::rule<iterator_type, double()>    start, locls, degrees, minutes, seconds;

int main()
    for(auto & value : std::vector<double>{ 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
        std::string generated;
        iterator_type outiter(generated);
        auto rv = karma::generate(outiter, genLatitude(), value);
        std::cout << "(" << rv << ") " << value << " ==> " << generated << std::endl;

更新: 只是为了完整起见,在任何示例(和答案)中修复这实际上都是微不足道的 纬度的格式是"DDMMSS.SSX",经度是"DDDMMSS.SSX"。这是因为纬度的范围是-90到+90,而经度是-180到+180。




相反,意识到您有一个数学变换(实值)-> 元组(度、分、秒、半球)。让我们创建一个小助手来建模:

struct LatLongRep {
    bool _hemi; double _deg, _min, _sec;

    LatLongRep(double val) 
      : _hemi(0 < val),
        _min(60  * std::modf(std::abs(val), &_deg)),
        _sec(60  * std::modf(_min, &_min))
        { }


karma::rule<iterator_type, LatLongRep()> latitude, longitude;


    latitude =
            right_align(3, '0') [ uint_ ] 
         << right_align(2, '0') [ uint_ ] 
         << right_align(5, '0') [ seconds ]
         << east_west;



Live On Coliru

#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <cmath>

namespace karma = boost::spirit::karma;

typedef std::back_insert_iterator<std::string> iterator_type;

struct LatLongRep {
    bool _hemi; double _deg, _min, _sec;

    LatLongRep(double val) 
      : _hemi(0 < val),
        _min(60  * std::modf(std::abs(val), &_deg)),
        _sec(60  * std::modf(_min, &_min))
        { }

BOOST_FUSION_ADAPT_STRUCT(LatLongRep, _deg, _min, _sec, _hemi)

struct genLatLong : karma::grammar<iterator_type, double()> {
    genLatLong() : genLatLong::base_type(start)
        using namespace karma;

        east_west.add  (true, 'E')(false, 'W');
        north_south.add(true, 'N')(false, 'S');

        start    = latitude;

        latitude =
                right_align(3, '0') [ uint_ ] 
             << right_align(2, '0') [ uint_ ] 
             << right_align(5, '0') [ seconds ]
             << east_west;

        longitude =
                right_align(3, '0') [ uint_ ] 
             << right_align(2, '0') [ uint_ ] 
             << right_align(5, '0') [ seconds ]
             << north_south;

    struct secfmt : karma::real_policies<double> {
        unsigned precision(double)      const { return 2;    }
        bool     trailing_zeros(double) const { return true; }
    karma::real_generator<double, secfmt>    seconds;

    karma::symbols<bool, char> east_west, north_south;
    karma::rule<iterator_type, double()>     start;
    karma::rule<iterator_type, LatLongRep()> latitude, longitude;

int main()
    genLatLong const gen;

    for(auto & value : std::vector<double>{ 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
        std::string generated;
        iterator_type outiter(generated);
        auto rv = karma::generate(outiter, gen, value);
        std::cout << "(" << std::boolalpha << rv << ") " << value << " ==> " << generated << std::endl;


(true) 47.2535 ==> 0471512.46E
(true) 13.9844 ==> 0135903.71E
(true) -0.123345 ==> 0000724.04W
(true) -44.3 ==> 0441760.00W


  • 使用派生的 real_policy 命名为 secfmt 以 2 位小数格式化秒;参见 documentation

  • 使用融合自适应获取LatLongRep的字段,而无需过多使用语义动作and/or Phoenix 绑定(参见tutorial example). See also Boost Spirit: "Semantic actions are evil"?

  • 使用karma::symbols<>格式化半球指标:

    karma::symbols<bool, char> east_west, north_south;
    east_west.add  (true, 'E')(false, 'W');
    north_south.add(true, 'N')(false, 'S');
  • 发电机构造现在脱离循环 - 这大大提高了速度

  • 同时使用定义的纬度和经度留作 reader

  • 的练习


Q. is there generally a better solution for this kind of problem?

在这方面,使用 Boost 格式可能会更好。重用 LatLongRep - 我的另一个答案中的计算主力,您可以非常轻松地创建 IO 操纵器:

namespace manip {
    struct LatLongRepIO : LatLongRep {
        LatLongRepIO(double val, char const* choices) : LatLongRep(val), _display(choices) { }
        char const* _display;

        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LatLongRepIO const& llr) {
            return os << boost::format("%03d%02d%05.2f%c")
                        % llr._deg % llr._min % llr._sec 
                        % (llr._display[llr._hemi]);

    LatLongRepIO as_latitude (double val) { return { val, "WE" }; }
    LatLongRepIO as_longitude(double val) { return { val, "NS" }; }

这完全放弃了 Boost Spirit、Phoenix 和 Fusion 的使用,让使用变得轻而易举:

int main() {
    using namespace helpers::manip;

    for(double value : { 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
        std::cout << as_latitude(value) << "\t" << as_longitude(value) << "\n";


#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <cmath>

namespace helpers {
    struct LatLongRep {
        bool _hemi; double _deg, _min, _sec;

        LatLongRep(double val) 
          : _hemi(0 < val),
            _min(60  * std::modf(std::abs(val), &_deg)),
            _sec(60  * std::modf(_min, &_min))
        { }

    namespace manip {
        struct LatLongRepIO : LatLongRep {
            LatLongRepIO(double val, char const* choices) : LatLongRep(val), _display(choices) { }
            char const* _display;

            friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, LatLongRepIO const& llr) {
                return os << boost::format("%03d%02d%05.2f%c")
                            % llr._deg % llr._min % llr._sec 
                            % (llr._display[llr._hemi]);

        LatLongRepIO as_latitude (double val) { return { val, "WE" }; }
        LatLongRepIO as_longitude(double val) { return { val, "NS" }; }

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    using namespace helpers::manip;

    for(double value : { 47.25346, 13.984364, -0.1233453, -44.3 })
        std::cout << as_latitude(value) << "\t" << as_longitude(value) << "\n";


0471512.46E  0471512.46S
0135903.71E  0135903.71S
0000724.04W  0000724.04N
0441760.00W  0441760.00N