
Improper flash package

我有一个由几个 swf 和播放器组成的 SCORM 包。但是,当用户从 LMS 启动内容时,播放器初始化不正确或损坏,当然它无法正常工作和发挥应有的作用。有一个包的控制台日志可能会给出一个想法。

Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its   detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check     

Initializing SCORM class...ExternalInterface.available evaluates true.     
SCORM.isAvailable() evaluates true. SCORM class file check, ready.
SCORM.connect() called from class file
connection.initialize called.
SCORM.API.find: API found. Version: 2004
API: [object Object]
SCORM.data.get(cmi.completion_status)  value: unknown
__connectionActive: true
SCORM.data.get(cmi.location) failed. 
Error code: 403
Error info: hata
SCORM.data.get(cmi.location)  value: 
SCORM.get(cmi.location) failed. 
Error code: 403
Error info: hata
public function get returned: 
SCORM.data.get(cmi.entry)  value: ab-initio
public function get returned: ab-initio
SCORM.data.get(cmi.location) failed. 
Error code: 403
Error info: hata
SCORM.data.get(cmi.location)  value: 
SCORM.get(cmi.location) failed. 
Error code: 403
Error info: hata
public function get returned: 
SCORM.data.get(cmi.learner_name)  value: test test
public function get returned: test test

日志显示课程正常启动。 “错误”实际上是正确的行为:如果课程是 ab-initio(首次启动),请求书签 (cmi.location) 将导致错误。没有书签,因为还没有创建。

如果您希望课程有书签——即您正在重新启动课程,但它仍然表现得好像是从头开始——我猜你没有正确使用 Commitscorm.save() 在此包装中)将数据发布到 LMS 后,and/or 在关闭课程之前不会发布 Terminate(此包装中的 scorm.quit)。


如果您的课程检查 cmi.entry 并看到 ab-initio,则无需查找书签。您应该使用条件语句来防止错误并减少 LMS 和课程之间的交流:

var bookmark = "my default";
var entry = scorm.get("cmi.entry");
var location; //wait for it...

if(entry !== "ab-initio"){

    //not querying cmi.location unless we're sure this isn't the first visit
    location = scorm.get("cmi.location");

    //Wrapping in a conditional in case cmi.location returns false or an empty string
    if(location){ bookmark = location; }

