在没有 BUT 的步骤定义的情况下执行

Executing without step definition of BUT

我遇到了一个问题。我们需要为 'BUT' 定义匹配的步骤,否则不会执行。根据阅读 Ben 的评论,我认为 'BUT' 不需要匹配的步骤定义,但事实并非如此。


所有步骤都必须具有匹配的步骤定义。只有 3 种类型的步骤:GivenWhenThenAnd 步和 But 步只是 'the same as the previous step' 的别名。 AndBut 没有属性。


Given a given step
And some other given condition
When a thing happens
Then a condition should be true
But some other condition should not be

Given a given step
Given some other given condition
When a thing happens
Then a condition should be true
Then some other condition should not be
