R 中的控制图

Control Charts in R

我正在尝试为基本上随时间增加的指标创建控制图。如果我尝试创建 Shewhart 图表,将会有许多点超出规格上限。





听起来 plot() 是您的游戏。 X 为时间,Y 为收入,abline(h= ) 为您的规格限制。在您的规格限制所在的位置设置一条水平线,您就可以开始了。

Besterfield 在他的书 Quality Control,第六版 中回答了这个问题。他将此讨论为 "Chart for Trends".

Chart for Trends created in Excel

该过程涉及回归以确定中心线的斜率。等式是 $$\overline{X}=a+bG$$ 其中 $\overline{X}$ 是子组平均值,G 是子组数, a是截距,b是斜率。

$$a=\frac{(\sum \overline{X})(\sum G^2)-(\sum G)(\sum G\overline{X})}{g\sum G^2-(\sum G)^2}$$

$$b=\frac{g\sum G \overline{X}-(\sum G)(\sum \overline{X})}{g\sum G^2-( \sum G)^2}$$

其中 g 是子组数。

The coefficients of a and b are obtained by establishing by columns for G, $\overline{X}$, G$\overline{X}$, and G^2 … ; determining their sums; and inserting their sums into the equation.

Once the trend-line equation is known, it can be plotted on the chart by assuming values of G and calculating $\overline{X}$. When two points are plotted, the trend line is drawn between them. The control limits are drawn on each side of the trend line a distance (in the perpendicular direction) equal to $$A_2\overline{R}$$ …

The R chart will generally have the typical appearance… However the dispersion may also be increasing.

Besterfield 还建议将 URL 和 LRL 或拒绝上限和拒绝下限作为平行于水平轴的线,并指示过程不可接受的时间。

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