catch notification and do something
我正在使用 Intercom's iOS SDK 并通读我发现的可用页眉:
/*! @name Intercom Notifications */
These are notifications thrown by Intercom for iOS when the Intercom window is displayed and hidden or when
a new conversation has been started. These notifications are fired only when there is a change in the state
of Intercom's UI: when a user receives a message for instance, willShow and didShow notifications will be
fired accordingly when the Intercom Notification (chat head) is presented.
Once the user taps on the chat head, the message is presented in your app. It will be presented covering
the entire screen, but no notifications will be thrown here as Intercom has already been visible.
In the case of a new conversation this notification may be used to prompt users to enable push notifications.
let IntercomWindowWillShowNotification: String
let IntercomWindowDidShowNotification: String
let IntercomWindowWillHideNotification: String
let IntercomWindowDidHideNotification: String
let IntercomDidStartNewConversationNotification: String
您需要将您的 ViewControllerClass 作为观察者添加到它应该在 viewDidLoad 中观察的每个通知...
class ITC: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("icWindowWillShowNotification:"), name: IntercomWindowWillShowNotification, object: nil)
deinit {
func icWindowWillShowNotification (notification: NSNotification) {
//Do something
我正在使用 Intercom's iOS SDK 并通读我发现的可用页眉:
/*! @name Intercom Notifications */
These are notifications thrown by Intercom for iOS when the Intercom window is displayed and hidden or when
a new conversation has been started. These notifications are fired only when there is a change in the state
of Intercom's UI: when a user receives a message for instance, willShow and didShow notifications will be
fired accordingly when the Intercom Notification (chat head) is presented.
Once the user taps on the chat head, the message is presented in your app. It will be presented covering
the entire screen, but no notifications will be thrown here as Intercom has already been visible.
In the case of a new conversation this notification may be used to prompt users to enable push notifications.
let IntercomWindowWillShowNotification: String
let IntercomWindowDidShowNotification: String
let IntercomWindowWillHideNotification: String
let IntercomWindowDidHideNotification: String
let IntercomDidStartNewConversationNotification: String
您需要将您的 ViewControllerClass 作为观察者添加到它应该在 viewDidLoad 中观察的每个通知...
class ITC: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: Selector("icWindowWillShowNotification:"), name: IntercomWindowWillShowNotification, object: nil)
deinit {
func icWindowWillShowNotification (notification: NSNotification) {
//Do something