Eclipse 在分配 2D 数组元素期间无消息终止

Eclipse terminating without message during assignment of 2D-Array element

我在 Eclipse/C 中遇到了奇怪的行为。我在 a.h.

typedef double sig_type[3];


typedef struct filter_kind {
. . . 
sig_type *     fil_buff;         //The buffer for all values
. . .
} filter_kind;

 int init_filter(filter_kind * filter, const sig_type init_data[],
            const int data_len) {

    if (filter->data_buff_len != data_len) {
        return -1

    int i;
    int j;
    for (i = 0; i < filter->data_buff_len; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < OUT_NUM; j++) {
            (filter->fil_buff)[i][j] = init_data[i][j];   //prog exits on this line.


    return 0;

我有一个指定函数 return 一个指向 malloced filter_kind 结构的指针,mallocs fil_buff。当我使用这个创建函数,并将新创建的 filter_kind 指针传递给 init_filter 时,该函数在分配给 (filter->fil_buff)[][] 时意外退出——几乎在 Debug 视图中除了 "gdb" 之外没有其他注释。



filter_kind * create_filter(const double f_lo, const double f_hi,
        const double samp_r, win_type window_t, fil_type filter_t,
        const int buff_len) {

    filter_kind * filter;
    sig_type * fil_buff;
    int err = 0;

    /* allocate filter struct */
    filter = (filter_kind *) malloc(sizeof(filter_kind));

    err = (filter != NULL ) ? 0 : -1;
    if (err == -1) {
        return NULL ;
    memset(filter, 0, sizeof(filter_kind));

    /* allocate filter data members */
    err = alloc_buffs(win_coeffs, fil_coeffs, fil_buff, buff_len);
    if (err == -1) {
        return NULL ;

    //assign other structure values...
    filter->fil_buff = fil_buff;

    return filter;

static int alloc_buffs(double * win_coeffs, double * fil_coeffs,
        sig_type * fil_buff, const int buff_len) {
    int err = 0;

//allocate other buffers...
    err = alloc_st_buff(fil_buff, buff_len);
    if (err == -1) {
        return -1;

    return 0;

static int alloc_st_buff(sig_type * st_buff, const int buff_len) {
    const int num_bytes = sizeof(sig_type) * buff_len;

    st_buff = (sig_type *) malloc(num_bytes);
    const int err = (st_buff != NULL ) ? 0 : -1;

    if (err == -1) {
        return -1;

    memset(st_buff, 0, num_bytes);
    return 0;


filter_kind * filter;
filter = create_filter(...);

/* Load data into array of sig_type, i.e. sig_type arr[40] */

init_filter(filter, arr, 40);

/* more code... */


sig_type * fil_buff;
err = alloc_buffs(win_coeffs, fil_coeffs, fil_buff, buff_len);
filter->fil_buff = fil_buff;


  • 创建指向名为 fil_buff
  • 的 table 的指针
  • 调用函数 alloc_buffs 并 复制 指向 fil_buff 等的指针,
  • 未更改fil_buff分配给结构。


err = alloc_buffs(win_coeffs, fil_coeffs, &fil_buff, buff_len);

那么你的 fil_buff 真的可以改变,但是你必须调整你的函数来接受正确的参数并正确地操作它们。我想其他缓冲区也犯了同样的错误。