Swift 中向上铸造和向下铸造混淆?

Up casting and down casting confusion in Swift?

class Media {
    var name :String = ""
    init(name:String) {
        self.name = name

class Song:Media {}

class Movie:Media{}

let s1 = Song(name :"Fireproof")
var m1 :Media = s1 //upcasting

//var s2 :Song = m1
var s2:Song = m1 as Song //down casting

// var x1 :Movie = m1 as Movie //
  1. 在行 var m1: Media = s1 你可以设置 m1 等于 s1 因为 m1 的类型是 [=14= 的超类]??

  2. 在线var s2: Song = m1 as Song,据说是"down casting",是因为m1: Media而你是"casting"所以"as"一个Song类型才能匹配相同类型的s2? (如果这是真的,那为什么我们早点设置 m1 = s1,而 s1 的类型与 m1 不同??)

  3. 所有这些向上转换和向下转换的意义何在?我已经阅读了苹果文档并设法让自己更加困惑:'(

  1. On the line var m1: Media = s1 you can set m1 equal to s1 because m1's type is the superclass of s1??

是的。 s1 是一个 Song,这意味着根据定义它也是一个 Media。因此它可以赋值给 SongMedia.

  1. On line var s2: Song = m1 as Song , it is supposedly "down casting", is that because m1: Media and you are "casting" it "as" a Song type in order to match the same type of s2? (If this is true, then why did we set m1 = s1 earlier, when s1 had a different type than m1??)


顺便说一句,简单的 "as" 语法是旧的 Swift - 你现在需要使用 as! 如果你确定它会在 100% 的时间内工作,或者 as? 如果你不确定。 (Google "swift optional casting" 了解更多信息。)普通旧 "as" 现在仅对编译器知道将始终有效的强制转换有效,例如从 StringNSString.

  1. What's the point of all this up casting and down casting? I've read the apple documentation and managed to confuse myself even more :'(

此代码中没有演示真正的要点。它通常用于与具有公共基础 class 的异构类型数组进行交互。例如,如果您有一组不同的视图,您可能希望将它们放在一个数组中并对所有视图执行某些操作:

class ViewController : UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let label = UILabel()
        let button = UIButton()
        let slider = UISlider()

        let views = [label, button, slider] // views is a [UIView]

        for view in views {
            // view is known to be a UIView, even though it is also really a label, button, etc.
            view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
