C# - 动态添加对象(添加动态 属性 名称)

C# - Adding objects dynamically (adding dynamic property names)

我正在尝试创建一些动态 ExpandoObject。我遇到了某个问题。


var list = new ArrayList();

var obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.ID = 1,
obj.Product = "Pie",
obj.Days = 1,
obj.QTY = 65


让我解释一下我的情况:我希望从随机数据库中获取数据(我不知道是哪个,但是根据我从 UI 中获取的信息构建连接字符串),因此我不知道'知道我需要得到什么数据。这可能是 DB table




TABLE Foobar

如你所见,我不知道数据库是什么样的(这是 100% 匿名的,因此它需要 100% 动态),我想要 return 的数据应该是这样的结构良好的 JSON,像这样:

    "ID": 1,
    "Product": "Pie"
    "Days": 1,
    "QTY": 65
    "ID": 2,
    "Product": "Melons"
    "Days": 5,
    "QTY": 12


    "ID": 1,
    "Days": 2,
    "QTY": 56,
    "Product_Id": 5,
    "Department_Id": 2
    "ID": 2,
    "Days": 6,
    "QTY": 12,
    "Product_Id": 2,
    "Department_Id": 5

我试过使用这些 ExpandoObjects,但似乎无法使它工作,因为我无法执行此问题顶部所示的内容 (I不知道属性的名称)。有没有办法让我说这样的话:

var obj = new ExpandoObject();
var propName = "Product";

var obj.propName = "Pie"

Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj.Product);

Let's print!: Pie

有没有人有可能解决这种情况的解决方案,og 简单的结构指导?

与其创建 ExpandoObject 或其他动态类型,不如创建一个 List<Dictionary<string, object>>,其中每个 Dictionary<string, object> 包含您要序列化的 name/value 对。然后使用 Json.NET (or JavaScriptSerializer 序列化为 JSON,尽管这不太灵活):

        var list = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();

        // Build a dictionary entry using a dictionary initializer: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb531208.aspx
        list.Add(new Dictionary<string, object> { { "ID", 1 }, {"Product", "Pie"}, {"Days", 1}, {"QTY", 65} });

        // Build a dictionary entry incrementally
        // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/xfhwa508%28v=vs.110%29.aspx
        var dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        dict["ID"] = 2;
        dict["Product"] = "Melons";
        dict["Days"] = 5;
        dict["QTY"] = 12;

        Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented));
        Console.WriteLine(new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(list));


    "ID": 1,
    "Product": "Pie",
    "Days": 1,
    "QTY": 65
    "ID": 2,
    "Product": "Melons",
    "Days": 5,
    "QTY": 12



正如您在此处看到的 ExpandoObject ClassExpandoObject 正在实施 IDictionary<string, object>,因此您可以像

IDictionary<string, object> obj = new ExpandoObject();
var propName = "Product";
obj[propName] = "Pie"
Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj[propName]);
// Verify it's working
Console.WriteLine("Let's print again!: " + ((dynamic)obj).Product);

第一部分,C#团队通读this blog post


var obj = new ExpandoObject();
var propName = "Product";

var obj.propName = "Pie"

Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj.Product);

Let's print!: Pie

在您的代码中,您使用的是 var obj = new ExpandoObject();,因此您正在创建类型为 ExpandableObject 的静态类型对象。在博客中他们特意喊出了

I didn’t write ExpandoObject contact = new ExpandoObject(), because if I did contact would be a statically-typed object of the ExpandoObject type. And of course, statically-typed variables cannot add members at run time. So I used the new dynamic keyword instead of a type declaration, and since ExpandoObject supports dynamic operations, the code works

因此,如果您重写代码以使用 dynamic obj,并将动态属性添加为属性,它应该可以工作!


dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.Product= "Pie"    
Console.WriteLine("Let's print!: " + obj.Product);    
Let's print!: Pie

使用 dynamic,然后转换为 IDictionary<string, object> 以循环访问您的属性:

dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
obj.Product = "Pie";
obj.Quantity = 2;

// Loop through all added properties       
foreach(var prop in (IDictionary<string, object>)obj)
  Console.WriteLine(prop.Key + " : " + prop.Value);


现在这是您问题的解决方案...@dbc 等其他答案可能更适合该问题(这不是问题,真的)

在我写答案的时候,我看到你已经得到了正确的答案。您可以使用 Dictionary<string, onject> 甚至 Tuple

但是根据您最初的问题,您想要动态添加属性。为此,您可以使用 ExpandoObject 参考其他答案。这与 类 的解决方案(使用 ExpandoObject 动态添加属性)与您的代码相似。

//example classes
public class DictKey
    public string DisplayName { get; set; }
    public DictKey(string name) { DisplayName = name; }

public class DictValue
    public int ColumnIndex { get; set; }
    public DictValue(int idx) { ColumnIndex = idx; }

//utility method
public static IDictionary<string, object> GetExpando(KeyValuePair<DictKey, List<DictValue>> dictPair)
    IDictionary<string, object> dynamicObject = new ExpandoObject();
    dynamicObject["Station"] = dictPair.Key.DisplayName;
    foreach (var item in dictPair.Value)
        dynamicObject["Month" + (item.ColumnIndex + 1)] = item;
    return dynamicObject;

Ans 用法示例:

var dictionaryByMonth = new Dictionary<DictKey, List<DictValue>>();
dictionaryByMonth.Add(new DictKey("Set1"), new List<DictValue> { new DictValue(0), new DictValue(2), new DictValue(4), new DictValue(6), new DictValue(8) });
dictionaryByMonth.Add(new DictKey("Set2"), new List<DictValue> { new DictValue(1), new DictValue(2), new DictValue(5), new DictValue(6), new DictValue(11) });

var rowsByMonth = dictionaryByMonth.Select(item => GetExpando(item));