如何使用 Adob​​e Experience Manager 的 QueryBuilder 获取节点的内容

How to get content the content of a node using the QueryBuilder of Adobe Experience Manager

假设我有一个节点 /etc/designs/blog/css/static.css


  success: true,
  results: 1,
  total: 1,
  offset: 0,
  hits: [
      path: "/etc/designs/blog/css/static.css/jcr:content",
      name: "jcr:content",
      title: "jcr:content",
      lastModified: "2011-02-18 12:28:12",
      size: "12 KB",
      mimeType: "text/css"

通过调用此 url:http://www.example.com/bin/querybuilder.json?path=/etc/designs/blog/css/static.css


您可以通过添加 p.hits=full 来完成此操作。例如:


此用法在此处有详细说明:https://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/dam/customizing_and_extendingcq5dam/query_builder.html#Refining%20What%20Is%20Returned 说明:

Refining What Is Returned

By default, the QueryBuilder JSON Servlet will return a default set of properties for each node in the search result (e.g. path, name, title, etc.). In order to gain control over which properties are returned, you can do one of the following:

Specify p.hits=full, in which case all properties will be included for each node:
