Elasticsearch 嵌套函数评分和带函数评分的脚本评分

Elastic search nested function scores and script scoring with function score


但是我需要比较不同文档类型的多个索引。这些文件有不同的领域,具有不同的重要性。 我需要这些结果的分数具有可比性,因此想忽略 TF/IDF 和分数标准化。

因此,如果搜索查询匹配 2 个重要字段和 1 个不太重要的字段,则它的分数应该是重要分数的两倍加上不太重要的分数:

(8* (1+1)) + (3*(1)) = 19

我得到的结果是 11。由于下面的查询似乎忽略了内部函数分数并计算:

(8*1) + (3*1).

分数解释也在下面,这似乎表明它忽略了内部 function_score 并且只给它一个恒定的分数 1(这是我想要停止发生的事情)。

我试过不嵌套函数分数并使用简单的应该查询以及尝试 boost_factor 而不是 'weight' 并给匹配的字段一个常量分数所有这些都有相同的结果。

此外,我不想使用常数权重乘以 script_score 来计算外部结果。但是,传递的“_score”不是我刚刚计算的分数,而是原始搜索分数。 除了 script_score 中的“_score”之外,我可以使用其他字段来获取此信息吗?



"query": {
 "function_score": {
  "functions": [
      "weight": 8.0,
      "filter": {
        "fquery": {
          "query": {
            "function_score": {
              "functions": [
                  "weight": 1.0,
                  "filter": {
                    "fquery": {
                      "query": {
                        "query_string": {
                          "query": "match*",
                          "fields": [
                          "default_operator": "and",
                          "analyzer": "english",
                          "analyze_wildcard": true
                  "weight": 1.0,
                  "filter": {
                    "fquery": {
                      "query": {
                        "query_string": {
                          "query": "match*",
                          "fields": [
                          "default_operator": "and",
                          "analyzer": "english",
                          "analyze_wildcard": true
                  } // More field queries that don't match omitted for clarity
              "score_mode": "sum",
              "boost_mode": "replace"
      "weight": 3.0,
      "filter": {
        "fquery": {
          "query": {
            "function_score": {
              "functions": [
                  "weight": 1.0,
                  "filter": {
                    "fquery": {
                      "query": {
                        "query_string": {
                          "query": "match*",
                          "fields": [
                          "default_operator": "and",
                          "analyzer": "english",
                          "analyze_wildcard": true
                }// More field queries that don't match omitted for clarity

              "query": {
                "match_all": {}
              "score_mode": "sum",
              "boost_mode": "replace"
  "query": {
     "match_all": {} // Filtering done here, omitted for clarity
  "score_mode": "sum",
  "boost_mode": "replace"


"_explanation": {
           "value": 11,
           "description": "function score, product of:",
           "details": [
                 "value": 11,
                 "description": "Math.min of",
                 "details": [
                       "value": 11,
                       "description": "function score, score mode [sum]",
                       "details": [
                             "value": 8,
                             "description": "function score, product of:",
                             "details": [
                                   "value": 1,
                                   "description": "match filter: QueryWrapperFilter(function score (ConstantScore(*:*), functions: [{filter(QueryWrapperFilter(ImportantField1:match*)), function [org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.function.WeightFactorFunction@64b3fd0e]}{filter(QueryWrapperFilter(ImportantField2:match*)), function [org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.function.WeightFactorFunction@38ed4b5c]}]))"
                                   "value": 8,
                                   "description": "product of:",
                                   "details": [
                                         "value": 1,
                                         "description": "constant score 1.0 - no function provided"
                                         "value": 8,
                                         "description": "weight"
                             "value": 3,
                             "description": "function score, product of:",
                             "details": [
                                   "value": 1,
                                   "description": "match filter: QueryWrapperFilter(function score (ConstantScore(*:*), functions: [{filter(QueryWrapperFilter(LessImportantField:match*)), function [org.elasticsearch.common.lucene.search.function.WeightFactorFunction@3ce99ebf]}]))"
                                   "value": 3,
                                   "description": "product of:",
                                   "details": [
                                         "value": 1,
                                         "description": "constant score 1.0 - no function provided"
                                         "value": 3,
                                         "description": "weight"
                       "value": 3.4028235e+38,
                       "description": "maxBoost"
                 "value": 1,
                 "description": "queryBoost"

所以这是不可能的。 Function_score 仅在其功能中使用过滤器来应用分数。这意味着它们要么匹配要么不匹配,因此无法传递嵌套 function_score 的分数。


"similarity": {
           "default": {
              "queryNorm": "1",
              "type": //whatever type you want

然而,这意味着 TF/IDF 对我来说成了一个问题,因为这些值对于我的每个索引都是不同的,所以我最终使用编写自定义相似性 class 并将这些值设置为为常数 1.