从 cassandra 中选择所有内容 table

Selecting everything from a cassandra table

目前我正在使用以下查询 as described here 来翻阅 table:

 select token(id) as token_id, description, title from my_table where token(id) >= -8987733732583272758 limit 10;


 select token(id) as token_id, description, title from my_table where token(id) >= -7325522621472161647 limit 10;

现在我的问题是:这是正确的吗?结果集是否总是按标记 (id) 排序,这样我就不会跳过任何行?

我认为自 Cassandra 2.0 起,如果您使用 java 驱动程序,就可以使用自动分页功能。因此令牌方法可能不是通过 table.


在此处查看更多信息:automatic paging

谢谢吉姆!您提供的 link 实际上包含了我需要的所有信息:-)

In the case we need to iterate over an entire table, we’ll have to use the token() function are partition key aren’t ordered across the cluster, but token of partition key are. So the two previous queries become:

SELECT * FROM images LIMIT 100;
SELECT * FROM images WHERE token(image_id) > token([Last image ID received]) LIMIT 100;