我不明白这个错误消息 (Python)

I don't understand this error message (Python)

我刚刚开始 Python 我编写了这个小程序,它应该接受用户输入并打印结果。但是,我不明白 运行 时出现的错误:


# The purpose of this program is to use the user's input (the price of their meal), and outputs a receipt telling them how much the meal costs with tax and an optional tip.

print("Thank you for coming! We hoped you enjoyed the meal. Please use our all new PythonBillPayer! A fast way to pay for your day!")

PriceOfMeal = float(input("Please enter the price of your meal"))
TipAmount = float(input("Please enter amount of tip you would like to give"))

def receiptCalculation(PriceOfMeal, TipAmount):
    NewPrice = (((((13/100)*PriceOfMeal)) + PriceOfMeal) + TipAmount)
    return NewPrice



builtins.TypeError: receiptCalculation() missing 1 required positional argument: 'TipAmount'

方法receiptCalculation需要参数:PriceOfMealTipAmountreceiptCalculation(PriceOfMeal) 只向该方法传递一个参数,因此会引发错误。

receiptCalculation 接受两个参数,但在线:

