如何将 list/array 个自定义类型写入 HDF5 文件?

How do I write a list/array of custom types into HDF5 file?

我需要使用 C# 将一些数据写入 HDF5 文件。我不依赖于任何特定的库,但我能找到的唯一可访问的库是 HDF5DotNet (http://hdf5.net/)。我有一个简单的 class 包含一些数据(只是使用默认值初始化来轻松测试它,通常数据从传感器读取):

public class mData
    public double temp = 123.456789;
    public double humid = 223.456789;
    public int chamberId = 5;

如何将数组或列表写入 HDF5 文件? HDF5 似乎太棒了,不能成为特例,但我找不到任何合适的文档。这是我尝试过的示例:

List<mData> mdl = new List<mData>();
mdl.Add(new mData()); // create some dummy data
mdl.Add(new mData());
mdl.Add(new mData());
string filename = "test.h5";

const int DATA_ARRAY_LENGTH = 3;
const int RANK = 1; // <- unsure about this one

H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(filename, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);
H5GroupId groupId = H5G.create(fileId, "/myGroup");

long[] dims = new long[RANK]; // <- unsure, extrapolated from example

H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create_simple(RANK, dims);
H5DataTypeId typeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE); // <- NATIVE_DOUBLE is definitely wrong but I dont know which type to use in this case

int typeSize = H5T.getSize(typeId);
H5DataSetId dataSetId = H5D.create(fileId, "/myDataset", typeId, spaceId);

H5D.write(dataSetId, new H5DataTypeId(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_DOUBLE), 
  new H5Array<double>(mdl)); // <- NATIVE_DOUBLE and H5Array<double> are definitely wrong but again unsure which type to use in both cases





static void Main(string[] args)
        SampleH5Modified sh5 = new SampleH5Modified("TestFile01.h5", 5);


Creating H5 file TestFile01.h5...
H5 file TestFile01.h5 created successfully!
Reading H5 file TestFile01.h5...
chamberId=1 humid=100 temp=80
chamberId=2 humid=101 temp=81
chamberId=3 humid=102 temp=82
chamberId=4 humid=103 temp=83
chamberId=5 humid=104 temp=84
Processing complete!
public class SampleH5Modified
    private string filename;
    private int count;
    const string dataSetName = "/SampleDataSet";

    public SampleH5Modified(string filename, int count)
        this.filename = filename;
        this.count = count;

    public void Run()
        List<mData> data1 = new List<mData>();

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            data1.Add(new mData(i + 80, i + 100, i + 1));


        mData[] data2 = ReadData();

        foreach (mData d in data2)
            Console.WriteLine("chamberId={0} humid={1} temp={2}", d.chamberId, d.humid, d.temp);

        Console.WriteLine("Processing complete!");

    private void WriteData(List<mData> data)
        Console.WriteLine("Creating H5 file {0}...", filename);

        const int RANK = 1;
        long[] dims = new long[RANK];
        dims[0] = count;

        H5FileId fileId = H5F.create(filename, H5F.CreateMode.ACC_TRUNC);

        H5DataSpaceId spaceId = H5S.create_simple(RANK, dims);

        H5DataTypeId typeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.STD_REF_OBJ);

        int typeSize = H5T.getSize(typeId);

        H5DataSetId dataSetId = H5D.create(fileId, dataSetName, typeId, spaceId);

        H5D.write(dataSetId, new H5DataTypeId(H5T.H5Type.STD_REF_OBJ), new H5Array<mData>(data.ToArray()));


        Console.WriteLine("H5 file {0} created successfully!", filename);

    private mData[] ReadData()
        Console.WriteLine("Reading H5 file {0}...", filename);

        H5FileId fileId = H5F.open(filename, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDONLY);

        H5DataSetId dataSetId = H5D.open(fileId, dataSetName);

        mData[] readDataBack = new mData[count];

        H5D.read(dataSetId, new H5DataTypeId(H5T.H5Type.STD_REF_OBJ), new H5Array<mData>(readDataBack));


        return readDataBack;

(轻松)解决将 list/array 自定义类型(即复合)写入 C# 中的 HDF5 数据集的问题的一种方法是使用 HDFql。在 HDFql 中,这可以解决如下:

// use HDFql namespace (make sure it can be found by the C# compiler)
using AS.HDFql;

using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class Test

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=1)]
    struct Sensor
        public double temp;
        public double humid;
        public int chamberId;

    public static void Main(string []args)
        // declare variable 'data'
        Sensor []data = new Sensor[3];

        // create an HDF5 file named 'test.h5' and use (i.e. open) it
        HDFql.Execute("create and use file test.h5");

        // create a dataset named 'myDataset' of data type compound with three members (temp, humid and chamberId)
        HDFql.Execute("create dataset myDataset as compound(temp as double, humid as double, chamberId as int)(3)");

        // populate variable 'data' with values
        data[0].temp = 10;
        data[0].humid = 12.1;
        data[0].chamberId = 14;
        data[1].temp = 20;
        data[1].humid = 22.5;
        data[1].chamberId = 27;
        data[2].temp = 30;
        data[2].humid = 32.3;
        data[2].chamberId = 39;

        // insert (i.e. write) content of variable 'data' into dataset 'myDataset'
        HDFql.Execute("insert into myDataset values from memory " + HDFql.VariableRegister(data));