从后台启动的 python 程序打印消息

print message from python program that started in background

我制作了一个 python 程序,当我连接到 ppp network.The 应用程序请求 www.noip.com 到 link 我创建的主机的任何新 IP他们的网站。

/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/noip.sh  #this script calls my python app 

当我连接到 ppp 时,脚本 运行 正常,python 应用程序被触发并确实更改了我在 www.noip.com 上的 IP 地址,但我无法打印仅使用 print 向控制台发送消息。我的应用程序中有一些 print 语句,只有当我从命令行 运行 应用程序时才有效,例如 ./myapp.py

如果我的 python 应用程序是从后台调用的,如何显示消息?

这是我的 Python 代码:


import requests                                                                 
import netifaces as ni

user = 'xxxxxxx'                                                          
pswd = 'xxxxxxx'                      

ip = ni.ifaddresses('ppp0')[2][0]['addr']        
myhostname = 'xxxxxxx'                                                  

payload = {'hostname' : myhostname , 'myip' : ip}
r = requests.get("http://dynupdate.no-ip.com/nic/update", params=payload, auth=(user,pswd))

print " "                                                                       
if "good" in r.text:                                                            
        print "Hello ", user, "!"        
        print "your IP was successfully updated to:", ip        
        print myhostname, "is up and running!"                                  
if "nochg" in r.text:                                                           
        print "Hello", user, "!"                                                
        print "Your IP", ip, "is still active, no change needed"                
if "nohost" in r.text:                                                          
        print "The given Host name", myhostname, "does not exist under specified account"
        print "Please review your Host name and try again"                      
if "badauth" in r.text:                                                 
        print "Login and/or Username incorrect"                                 
        print "Please correct your credentials and try again"           
if "911" in r.text:                                                     
        print "Sorry for the incovenience but we are experiencing some problems right now"
        print "Please try again later"                                          
print "noip.com says:", r.text                                                  
print " "  

最简单的方法是将输出转到 noip.sh 中的文件:

python myapp.py > /tmp/myapp.out


tail -f /tmp/myapp.out