我从哪里开始为 Cardboard vr 编程?

Where do I start with programming for cardboard vr?

我想开始在 Google Cardboard 上制作一个项目。我知道 android 编程,不是专家级别但可行。我真的不知道从哪里开始,请帮帮我。

我还没有机会亲自尝试,但是有一个 "getting started" demo walk-through for Android 如果你还没有尝试的话,你可以尝试一下吗?它使用 Unity、Cardboard SDK 和 Android SDK。

来自上面的 google 开发者 link:

This page describes how to build and deploy the demo Cardboard scene included in the Cardboard SDK for Unity, presuming little prior Unity experience.

If you are looking for instructions for building Cardboard on iOS with Unity, see the Getting Started with Unity for iOS page.

The demo recreates the Cardboard SDK for Android Treasure Hunt demo app within Unity to illustrate:

Using the CardboardMain prefab to set up a stereo camera rig that tracks the user's head orientation. Handling trigger input events, such as magnet click.

Setting up Cardboard

Download the latest version of Unity.

Download the Cardboard SDK for Unity.

Download the Cardboard Demo for Unity.

Download the Android SDK if you don't already have it. The "SDK Tools Only" option is sufficient. Follow the installation instructions up to and including “Get the latest SDK tools”.

Open Unity, creating a new project.