WPF - MVVM - 谁负责新的 DataProvider 连接?

WPF - MVVM - Who is responsible for a new DataProvider Connection?

我知道这可能是一个 "style of coding" 问题,但此时我真的很困惑。目前我正在尝试遵循 MVVM 模式(ViewModel、Repository、Controller 等)

但是应该由谁发起与数据源的连接呢?尤其是当多个 Controller 需要一个活动连接时?

没有那么多可能性 - 每个 Controller 本身打开一个新连接,相应的 ViewModel 打开连接并将其传递给存储库,存储库又将其传递给它的控制器 - 或者连接被实例化甚至更早(例如 StartUp.cs)。

我知道没有 "perfect" 解决方案,但我希望能得到一些启发,也许是一个好的/最佳实践。

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namespace Question {
class ViewModel {

    Person.Person p;
    Department.Department d;

    Person.PersonRepository pR;
    Department.DepartmentRepository dR;

    // Here in the VM both classes (Person and Department) intersect - should I inject an instance of a "IDataProvider" from here into the Repositorys?
    // If so, I'd have to pass it to the repository which has to pass it to it's controller.

namespace Question.Person {
class Person {
    // Person Model

class PersonRepository {
    // This class does whatever a repository does and delegates database query to it's controller

class PersonController {

    // Or should the Controller itself instantiate a new "IDataProvider" ?

    // This class needs a connection to the databse to execute querys

namespace Question.Department {

class Department {
    // Department Model

class DepartmentRepository {
    // This class does whatever a repository does and delegates database query to it's controller

class DepartmentController {
    // This class needs a connection to the databse to execute querys

我认为你误解了 MVVM 模式。阅读这篇文章:


它应该有助于更好地理解 MVVM。


存储库打开连接。如果你使用ORM访问数据库(EF,NHibernate),他们通常使用连接池。如果你不使用 ORM 那么你可以实现池。

http://martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html - 本文描述模式 "Repository"。他实现了类似集合的接口,并隐藏了数据访问的特性。因此,应在存储库中创建连接。

我认为您混淆了 MVC 和 MVVM:


 public ViewModel()
       Person.PersonRepository pR;
       Department.DepartmentRepository dR;

甚至更好 inject a repository interface 进入您的 ViewModel 以获得干净、解耦和可测试的实现:

public ViewModel(IPersonRepository personRepo, IDepartmentRepository depRepo)
       Person.PersonRepository pR = personRepo;
       Department.DepartmentRepository dR = depRepo;