移动应用程序 - Cookie 法

Mobile apps - Cookie law

我 google 找了很多,但我没有找到有效的答案(我找到了一个相关的答案 here,但我认为它已经过时了)。

我的 android 应用程序使用 google 分析,我是否必须创建一个对话框来通知用户(遵守欧盟 cookie 法)?
cookie 法仅指 网站 ,但这里 link google 包括网站和移动应用程序,所以我有点困惑。


"cookie law"实际上并不称为 cookie 法,并不特别关注 cookie,实际上仅作为示例提及一两次 cookie。

Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (Directive on privacy and electronic communications)

,现在已经被大多数欧洲国家变成了国家法律,规定(好吧,全名几乎是不言自明的)"privacy in the electronic communications sector"(不仅包括网站,还包括应用程序,智能-电视、可联网的烤面包机和其他一切电子通信设备)。

你可以阅读 text of the directive here,但简而言之:如果你想跟踪某人,无论在什么设备上,你都需要 his/her/zes/zirs 权限,即使那样也有限制。

无论如何,这对 SO 来说都是题外话,但对所谓的 "cookie law" 的误解如此顽固,以至于需要在某个地方加以解决。


  1. Google 分析

使用 Google Analytics 即表示您同意 their terms of service 声明您使用 Google Analytics 将拥有并遵守隐私政策:

You will have and abide by an appropriate Privacy Policy and will comply with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations relating to the collection of information from Visitors. You must post a Privacy Policy and that Privacy Policy must provide notice of Your use of cookies that are used to collect data. You must disclose the use of Google Analytics, and how it collects and processes data.

因此无论您如何使用 Google Analytics 安装,您始终需要隐私政策。这植根于全球隐私法,Google 刚刚将其编纂。


现在更大的问题 leading up to September 30th is, whether you need to abide by the stronger wording of the EU user consent policy 当您针对欧洲用户时。

答案是肯定的,当您使用任何 Google Analytics Advertising Features:

When using Google Analytics Advertising Features, you must also comply with the European Union User Consent Policy.


  1. Cookie 法只与网站有关

正如@Eike 所指出的,cookie 法不一定涉及 cookie 或网站本身,它扩展到 cookie 和类似技术。以下是第 29 条工作组在其来文中所说的 regarding cookie consent exemptions:

requiring informed consent before information is stored or accessed in the user’s (or subscriber’s) terminal device. The requirement applies to all types of information stored or accessed in the user’s terminal device although the majority of discussion has centred on the usage of cookies as understood by the definition in RFC62651. As such, this opinion explains how the revised Article 5.3 impacts on the usage of cookies but the term should not be regarded as excluding similar technologies.


回到原点,在他们的 EU user consent policy Google mentions both websites and apps 中,以确保每个人都理解要求:

If the EU user consent policy applies to your website or app, two of the key things to consider are:

  • Do you have a means of obtaining consent from your end users? If not, you’ll need one.
  • What message should you present to your users to get consent?

最后,如果你有时间,你可能想看看这个 opinion on apps on smart devices

