清除 Microsoft Edge 中输入类型日期的值

Clear value of input type date in Microsoft Edge

Microsoft Edge 显示一个 HTML5 日期选择器来为

<input type="date">

有没有办法显示一个清除按钮或一个 'x' 装饰以在之后删除该值,就像 Google Chrome 所做的那样?

此处最好的选择可能是隐藏 Chrome 提供的自定义清除标记,并提供您自己的标记以供所有浏览器使用:

input::-webkit-clear-button {
    display: none;

然后您将提供自己的 清除 按钮:

<input type="date" required />


(function () {

    "use strict";

    var elmnt = document.querySelector( "input" );
    var clear = document.querySelector( "button" );

    clear.addEventListener( "click", function ( event ) {
        elmnt.value = "";



Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/zcay9qc5/

我从 Where did the clear button go on date type input elements in Chrome? 中的简单示例开始。

<input id=el type=datetime-local value="2025-07-01T12:44">
<button onclick="javascript:el.value=''">X</button>

并在我的 C# ASP.NET Web 应用程序中将其变成扩展方法。

public static System.Web.IHtmlString editorWithClearFor<TModel, TValue>(
  this System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<TModel> helper,
  System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<TModel, TValue>> expression,
  object additionalViewData )
  // Determine the input element ID.
  // The ID might be the property name.
  ModelMetadata metadata = ModelMetadata.FromLambdaExpression( expression, helper.ViewData );
  string inputElemId =  metadata.PropertyName;

  // The ID might be specified in the HTML attributes within the view data.
  Type t = additionalViewData.GetType();
  PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty( "htmlAttributes" );
  IDictionary<string, object> attribs = pi.GetValue( additionalViewData, null ) as IDictionary<string, object>;
  if ( attribs.ContainsKey( "id" ) )
    inputElemId = attribs["id"].ToString();

  // For the input and the button to be side by side,
  // must I must wrap each of them in a div?  That seems to be the only thing that works.

  // Input.
  IHtmlString input = helper.EditorFor( expression, additionalViewData );

  // Wrap the input in a div.
  TagBuilder div1 = new TagBuilder( "div" );
  div1.MergeAttribute( "style", "display: inline-block;" );
  div1.InnerHtml = input.ToString();

  // Clear button.
  TagBuilder btn = new TagBuilder( "button" );
  btn.MergeAttribute( "title", "Clear" );
  btn.MergeAttribute( "style", "border: none; background-color: transparent;" );
  btn.MergeAttribute( "onclick", String.Format( "javascript:{0}.value=''", inputElemId ) );
  btn.InnerHtml = "X";

  // Wrap the button in a div.
  TagBuilder div2 = new TagBuilder( "div" );
  div2.MergeAttribute( "style", "display: inline-block;" );
  div2.InnerHtml = btn.ToString();

  // Concatenate.
  Debug.WriteLine( div1.ToString() + div2.ToString() ); 
  return MvcHtmlString.Create( div1.ToString() + div2.ToString() );

cshtml 标记中的示例用法:

@Html.editorWithClearFor( m => m.DueDate, new { htmlAttributes = new { "class", "form-control" } } )