
When writing a syntax extension, can I look up information about types other than the annotated type?


struct Monster {
    health: u8,

impl Monster {
    fn health(&self) { self.health }

struct Player {
    has_weapon: true,

我希望将 attack 属性扩展为了解 Monster 方法的函数。一个简单的例子是

impl Player {
    fn attack_monster(m: &Monster) {
        println!("{}", m.health());

具体来说,我希望能够获得某个类型的固有方法的函数签名。我也可以使用特征的函数签名。重要的区别是我的扩展 而不是 提前知道要查找哪种类型或特征 - 它会由用户作为注释的参数提供。

我目前有一个修饰类型的语法扩展,因为我想添加方法。为此,我实施了 MultiItemDecorator。查看 expand 函数的参数后,我一直无法找到查找类型或特征的任何方法,只能找到生成全新类型或特征的方法:

trait MultiItemDecorator {
    fn expand(&self,
              ctx: &mut ExtCtxt,
              sp: Span,
              meta_item: &MetaItem,
              item: &Annotatable,
              push: &mut FnMut(Annotatable));

类型信息不适用于语法扩展。它们可用于 lint 插件。

但是,您可以为您的 impl Monster 编写另一个装饰器来自己获取类型。


#![feature(plugin_registrar, rustc_private)]

extern crate rustc;
extern crate syntax;

use rustc::plugin::Registry;
use syntax::ast::MetaItem;
use syntax::ast::Item_::ItemImpl;
use syntax::ast::MetaItem_::{MetaList, MetaWord};
use syntax::codemap::Span;
use syntax::ext::base::{Annotatable, ExtCtxt};
use syntax::ext::base::Annotatable::Item;
use syntax::ext::base::SyntaxExtension::MultiDecorator;
use syntax::parse::token::intern;

use std::collections::hash_map::HashMap;
use std::collections::hash_set::HashSet;
use std::mem;

type Structs = HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>;

fn singleton() -> &'static mut Structs {
    static mut hash_set: *mut Structs = 0 as *mut Structs;

    let set: Structs = HashMap::new();
    unsafe {
        if hash_set == 0 as *mut Structs {
            hash_set = mem::transmute(Box::new(set));
        &mut *hash_set

fn expand_attack(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, meta_item: &MetaItem, _: &Annotatable, _: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
    let structs = singleton();
    if let MetaList(_, ref items) = meta_item.node {
        if let MetaWord(ref word) = items[0].node {
            let struct_name = word.to_string();
            if let Some(ref methods) = structs.get(&struct_name) {
                if let Some(method_name) = methods.iter().next() {
                    cx.span_warn(sp, &format!("{}.{}()", struct_name, method_name));
                    // TODO: generate the impl.

fn expand_register(_: &mut ExtCtxt, _: Span, _: &MetaItem, item: &Annotatable, _: &mut FnMut(Annotatable)) {
    let mut structs = singleton();

    if let &Annotatable::Item(ref item) = item {
        let name = item.ident.to_string();
        if let ItemImpl(_, _, _, _, _, ref items) = item.node {
            let mut methods = HashSet::new();
            for item in items {
            structs.insert(name, methods);

pub fn plugin_register(reg: &mut Registry) {
    reg.register_syntax_extension(intern("attack"), MultiDecorator(Box::new(expand_attack)));
    reg.register_syntax_extension(intern("register"), MultiDecorator(Box::new(expand_register)));


impl Monster {
    fn health(&self) -> u8 { self.health }

这与我在此 中所做的类似,我仍在寻找一种更好的方式来共享此全局可变状态 (singleton)。